Yes I have a few bantams that my EE rooster mounts and there body is probably about the size of a pinapple and he is about the size of a big water melon so as u can see the size difference but they are fine they are actually his daughters but they will be going into a breeding pen possibly so there dad isn't mounting them and my last little baby just started laying today her first egg I was so happy for her to lay her first little egg
Some of mine enjoying this Sunday afternoon sun.
I do too....but I bought her (and her now culled brothers) as a chick at one of the local feed stores, and wasn't even sure what I'd gotten. They weren't 100% sure whether she was a Silkie or a bantam Cochin at the time. She's a sweet little girl now, but had a lot of issues as a chick. Her head would start bobbing and I had to physically stop it so she could walk, feed, etc. I was told it's not an uncommon result of their vaulted crowns. I honestly didn't think she'd survive, but she turned out to be a lovely little thing and is now over a year old and still laying strong. And somehow she always attracts the biggest, heaviest cockerels and roosters. It pains me to find them mounting her, practically crushing her little body under their massive frames.

"LOVE" will find a way. The hen's breast being on the ground gives some cushioning and if the cock-bird is well practiced, his balance position will help too. If it were going to killer she'd already been a'goner!

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