Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

My daughter breeds raises and shows bantam Ameraucanas and LOVES them dearly.

Looks like your daughter adores her birds and is having a good time showing them! Great to see kids involved. Nice pictures of them.
This is my Ameraucana, Darla with my daughter. She is from my first attempt at incubating last summer. We have enjoyed her so much we decided to hatch some of her eggs :D Plus she lays eggs 6-7 days out of 7. She is an all around win. Here are her babies, they are half Orpington. They are mutts, but I was hoping to get a few more good layers with Darla's sweet personality and my Roo needed a fertility check. Charlotte, Scarlett, and Violet. The one in the top right, Violet, may be a Vincent. He/she has some wattles coming in already under that adorable beard. Its quite cute. And these Bantam Self Blue Ameraucana eggs are in my incubator, due May 9. I *need* to add some Wheatens and BBS to my flock too :lol: My poor husband :lol:
Sounds like Darla is a really good layer for you! The chicks are very cute, hopefully you will get some nice green egg layers from them, hope they are pullets! Good luck on the bantam hatch, those are lovely eggs!
Everyone has such lovely Amereaucana's or EE's! I never knew there was a difference between the breed. This has certainly taught me some things. I'm pretty sure now that I probably have EE's who were sold off to me from a hatchery as Ameraucana's, but I love the light blue eggs my one little hen gives me all the same! She looks more like a fat, fluffy quail than a chicken sometimes, haha! I don't have a good picture of her to share, unfortunately. From my first hatch back in February of this year, I had two hybrid chicks: This one here is Ameraucana (EE?) x Barred Rock. It pulled Ameraucana strongly as a chick, but now that it's older it's turning more into the Rock side it seems. And this one here is Ameraucana (EE?) x Jungle Fowl. She has the fluffy cheeks like her daddy did, but the coloring of her Jungle mama. Now I just got done with my second hatching of mainly Ameraucana eggs on April 28: 4 out of 10 eggs. A poor hatch due to my fault of waiting to place the eggs into the incubator after 2 weeks. I should have expected the fertility rate in the eggs to drop as dramatically as it did. Still, living and learning. I received three chicks that possess Ameraucana / EE traits. They're all fluffy little darlings~
This was the first chick named Boss: a Buff Orpington x Ameraucana hybrid. Has the fluffy cheeks just like the mom! Pulls all the color from the daddy, though. This second chick is supposed to be all Ameraucana (EE?). They have the fluffiest cheeks of all! So much so, that it's constantly going into it's eyes. Very greenish legs. I heard a rumor that certain EE's are sex links and can be easily identified? The third chick here is also all Ameraucana (EE?). I was worried something was really wrong when it hatched -- like a hernia from the way it looked -- but it turns out it was just a small amount of unabsorbed yolk sac. They're doing great now! Such a tiny thing. Legs are a lighter grey-green than the above sibling, however.
Very nice flock of EEs, always interesting to see what you get with the crosses. The chicks are adorable! Glad the little one was OK. Here is a nice thread on sexing EEs, and what colors are sex linked
Petunia and Hyacinth. They're hatch mates. I expect Hyacinth to be an olive egger. They're due to lay any day now. They're from a pen containing black copper marans and easter eggers. Just love them. I have a total of 9 of these mixed birds, plus Lucy, from another breeder (I think she's full Ameraucana and part of a BBS hatch, her hatch mate was splash) Lucy and her hatch mate. He sadly died much too young. His heart was enlarged and his body was filled with clear fluid.
Nice flock! Hope Hyacinth lays some nice olive eggs for you. Sorry about the loss of Lucy's hatchmate.
Your Americana is so beautiful, I have two lavender americanas and four blue americanas, they were straigt run, soi  not sure if there is any ro's? how do I know if they are roosters at such a youyng age, any signs? do hens want to stance off to each other at maybe 2 months old? also I have 1 month olds as well? thank you,

Sounds like you are putting together a nice little flock! Should be some very pretty birds. You can post pictures of your chicks in the What Breed/Gender forum for help with figuring out what you have Both sexes will spar/play fight with each other, so that isn't really a sign. Usually the first sign is the cockerels will get a bigger redder comb faster than the pullets, if you can see three rows of dots on the combs, that is usually a good sign it is a boy, with the girls you usually only see a single row of dots while they are young... usually you can pretty well tell by eight weeks or so, but some roos you can tell quite a bit younger.

And Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC!
My bantam ee's they lay light blue eggs which are the same small size as my tiny silkie eggs



And my standard EE's, one lays olive green and one lays light blue



Nice flock of EEs! That bantam girl with the black beard is absolutely adorable!

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