Chicken Breed Focus - Australorp

I have one BA chick I got along with a Wyandotte and EE. The BA is growing much faster than her counterparts she is the most adventurous first to learn to jump on the huddle hut and play in the sand box. She is the first to come over when I tap the sides. I can’t wait to see her grow and eat her yummy yummy eggs I’m guessing she may be my first layer of the bunch since they will come to laying age mid winter.
Hi. New here. Just acquired two 8 week old black australorps to add to my flock. I'm just stopping in to say Hi and hold my place since I keep losing this group When I do a search.
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I was able to get some pics. I hope these are both pullets. They are 10 weeks actually as I miscalculated. First and second photo are the same bird, 3rd and 4th photos are the 2nd bird. Thoughts?

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