Chicken Breed Focus - Bielefelder

Hi there,

Here are our answers in blue:

What made you decide to get this breed?
We love how they are a utility bird, have beautiful colors, are very docile (we've had aggressive roosters) and are an autosexed breed!

Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?

We own them for fun, breeding, and for their meat / eggs. We have day old chicks as well as various ages ready to find a new home!

What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?

They act more like dogs than chickens. They are very quiet, gentle, less aggressive. They seem to be more open to petting.

Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

You can check are pics and vids here: !
They look very content, but they're really probably trying to figure out how to take a dust bath in your container gardens.
I find them in the pots every evening right before sundown. They are a funny little group. I set up a frame of metal tubing and put an avian net over the top that goes to the ground. I was playing with a possible pen but never did anything with it. Every day the Biels go under the net and free range. I have 40 chickens..... the Biels are the only ones that slip under the net and graze. Self-imposed confinement. They follow me everywhere I go. I still haven't broken them from sleeping in a dog crate on the porch. I don't have the heart to lock them up all day. It is not a big dog crate so you can imagine 7 Biels in a small/medium wire dog crate. Love these chickens!
I find them in the pots every evening right before sundown. They are a funny little group. I set up a frame of metal tubing and put an avian net over the top that goes to the ground. I was playing with a possible pen but never did anything with it. Every day the Biels go under the net and free range. I have 40 chickens..... the Biels are the only ones that slip under the net and graze. Self-imposed confinement. They follow me everywhere I go. I still haven't broken them from sleeping in a dog crate on the porch. I don't have the heart to lock them up all day. It is not a big dog crate so you can imagine 7 Biels in a small/medium wire dog crate. Love these chickens!
This year we hatched some Orps & Bieles together. They always remained close to each other even though we had a huge yard for them to spread out.

I agree that they're a very docile breed. I was always able to scoop them up with one hand until they got too heavy for my wrist. But, I can still carry 2 at a time - one under each arm.

Here was their broody mama - a bantam orpington. By 3 weeks, they could look her in the eye.

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