Any advice on deciding between these breeds?

We have 9 Wyandotte pullets, silver, gold, and Columbian. The Columbian seem to be the most relaxed and gentle with our younger pullets. The others love to spar with each other and aren’t very nice to the younger ones when we’ve tried to introduce (they’ve been see no touch for months). I wouldn’t call them cuddly, but terribly underfoot and nosy lol. You can easily catch them all and we didn’t handle them a ton compared to some of the others. Not happy to be held, but won’t fight it.

We’re getting Salmon Faverolles in the spring and I’m super excited! They’ve been ordered with several Polish and the rest of that years planned chicks are bantams. Hoping to get around to thinning the Dottes and maybe the Sapphire Gems… We’ll see!
Hello everyone. We are looking to order some chicks to add to our flock next year. We currently have 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Silkies and 1 Salmon Faverolle. Everyone gets along well and we never see anyone getting picked on. They are extremely affectionate with us and our young children. We know that these breeds tend to be low on the pecking order, so we do not want to purchase any breeds that may pick on them.

We are looking to order a variety of 6 female chicks from the list below. I've done research about family friendly, affectionate breeds that are not aggressive to others or are low on the pecking order. We live in upstate New York so we need breeds that tolerate cold weather. We do not care about looks and egg production. Our main concern is how friendly they are with one another and with people. We have introduced chicken breeds before and with a slow integration the above breeds had no issues with one another. We are leaning towards another Salmon Faverolle (ours has the sweetest temperament), Cochin, Buff Orpingtons and Bielefelder.

If anyone has personal experience with any of these breeds, we'd greatly appreciate any input! Unfortunately we can't purchase sexed Silkies, and after our only experience with an extremely aggressive cockerel, we're hesitant to buy unsexed.
  1. Ameracauna
  2. Bielefelder
  3. Black Australorp
  4. Brahmas
  5. Buff Orpington
  6. Cochin
  7. Salmon Faverolles
  8. Wyandottes (Love the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, but heard they can be aggressive with other breeds?)
Thank you all in advance for any input you can provide! :D
I have several breeds and the buff Orpingtons are somewhat in the middle of the pecking order but they never pick on anyone whether my lowest hens or even the chicks. My three hens are super sweet and very affectionate. My Easter Eggers (Ameracaunas) are all at the bottom of my order and are very sweet too.
In the past I have owned buff orpington, as well as Bahamas, and they are all incredibly friendly, and docile. I personally don't recommend Salmon Faverolles, because of a past experience with one, who was very aggressive the moment we got her at two days old, but once she had started laying eggs she became one of the sweetest girls, if you are willing to wait that long.
Be aware that purebred Ameraucanas usually have to be vent sexed as chicks, and that's a dying art, so I think most of the hatcheries are only advertising about 70% accuracy at this point. And from experience, sometimes you don't know until they crow. I've got 23 nine week olds right now, and I'm certain on less than half of them.

Traditional hatchery Easter Eggers, even if they're calling them Americanas or some such, are bred with legbars, which are sexable by chick down; olive eggers often have a barred rock in there so they're sexable too.

So far, as adults, my Ameraucanas are either the sweetest or most standoffish of my flock. I step on two of my girls constantly because they always want to be under foot, but aren't too keen on being held. Immature birds are mostly skittish and defensive.

Hatchery Easter Eggers really are my favorite personalities though, they are wacky, bossy, curious, and with them in the lead when the stampede comes toward me for treats makes me giggle like a child every time. They tolerate being held, but don't seek it out. They're one of the smartest breeds I've had as well.

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