Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

they are very cute. I love their expression, how they look at the camera!
I wonder if we even get white Sussex in this country? No disrespect, but I dont think people realize that "THIS IS AFRICA! " and we only have like 5 proper chicken breeds here.. Well, if they really are I want some! Have you seen the speckled sussex info on this site? apparently they are like the friendliest chickens in the world.. what are yours like?
I ve given up on identifying my breeds. I guess they are plaashoenders!
are they as cuddly and friendly curious and sweet as they say? more so than other breeds? is it worth trying to go through the mission to get them down here as opposed to say buff orps? I am purely looking for a cuddle hen to sit on the couch with me and watch TV that loves being stroked and snuggled all day long. I have rhodies but they just prefer not to be held if they can help it, even though they do come sit on the couch.
any ideas?
I dont want silkies by the way, i prefer PROPER chicken, and no fluff on the legs, its just wrong
are they as cuddly and friendly curious and sweet as they say? more so than other breeds? is it worth trying to go through the mission to get them down here as opposed to say buff orps? I am purely looking for a cuddle hen to sit on the couch with me and watch TV that loves being stroked and snuggled all day long. I have rhodies but they just prefer not to be held if they can help it, even though they do come sit on the couch.
any ideas?
I dont want silkies by the way, i prefer PROPER chicken, and no fluff on the legs, its just wrong
Hmm, considering i only breed feather legged Pekin bantams chickens, i will construe that as an insult. In what way are they not "PROPER" chickens? Oh well, each to their own i guess.

Mine sit on the couch and watch tv, they sit on my lap, they follow me like dogs and my rooster loves to be held and cuddled.

If you are after friendly "PROPER" chickens then look for Plymouth barred rocks, they are very friendly, they lay huge dark brown eggs, and very very friendly, i saw a BR rooster that would fall asleep on top of anyone lying in a hammock, Orps i have found to be varied, some friendly some not. If you get it while it is young enough then you should be fine.
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