Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Wow, hey guys. Been a while.

How are you all doing? I have an update on the bee attack. 3 survived it. One was half blind after it. But, alas, their fate was sealed. the bees attacked those 3 again. i don't really know why they attacked the silkies and none of the other chickens. only one of the 3 survived, but i have to say that she was the strongest after the first bee attack, so the second time, she only got about 3 or 4 stings. the blind one hanged in for quite a while, but gave up the fight, being totally blind the second time around. so, out of 28 silkies that we got, we only have one left.

I had a whole string of bad luck in the last few months of 2016. Didn't really have time for byc chats hahaha. My husband is a honey farmer. When he harvested honey, he got about a quarter of what he usually gets. We had some family staying with us, and they stole from us and from the old madala staying on our property. So the landlord chased them away. In all the sorting out of all their junk, and working with the honey, we had to get someone to mow the lawn for us. He was busy mowing the lawn on the sidewalk, and left the gate open. My beloved dog ran out and a truck ran over him. Lost my cat as well. So I only had the chickens left, but it seemed like they joined with cosatu. They had a egg strike for 4 months and 4 of them decided to elope and find them a new home - at my husband's work. And to make things worse, my husband had his job hanging on a string with the bad economy.

2017 has been filled with blessings thus far. We built a new coop for the chickens, and cooped them for 2 weeks. The old madala came home with about 40kg wheat, that he picked up next to the road (fell off a truck that parked on our sidewalk). Then the egg production started again. 4-7 eggs a day. I have 4 broody hens now. Only searching for eggs (want new blood now) to give to them all. I got a new cat, am in the process of adopting 2 puppies and my husband didn't lose his job. He only works 4 days a week now, but at least he still has his job. Someone also offered me a second job, without knowing what struggles we have had. So, we are ok! My baby is a toddler now (can't believe time goes by so quickly! She is 15 months now) and learning new things every day. And she loooooves animals. She runs after the chickens, and check out the coop regularly. She also tries and collect the eggs. She joins the chickens in eating all the peels that we through out to them hahaha. Oh and the rain! so thankful for the rain we got! So many blessings. God is good.

Hope everyone has a great year.
Hi Nadene, I'm a new member here at BYC, from the other end of SA. I hope it's ok if I join in here. I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a rough time the last few months. I'm glad things are going better now. My toddler also used to sit outside with the chickens and eat the oats off the grass when I gave them a treat. She also got to see some eggs hatching a couple of months ago and now whenever she sees an egg she carries it around like a little baby saying 'sshhh, it's sleeping' and then puts it to bed in the fridge. Kids are so funny

I hope you have a great year this year.
Welcome to the family Chameleon!

That is so funny! We had 2 hatches since she was born, but then she was still too young to really see and understand. But she was attracted to the chicks though. I would like to have chicks again at this stage, especially with the kitten and the puppies that will need to learn to not see them as breakfast hahaha. Will be great for my girl now as well. She is really interested in everything. She doesn't talk yet, so those funny moments are still waiting for me hahaha. We have golf balls in the nesting boxes, for the chickens to lay there (although they still lay everywhere but there...). When we get visitors with children, the children keeps on going to the nest boxes and taking out the balls. The other day, my girl found a golf ball laying outside. She picked it up and went to put it back in one of the nesting boxes :p
Wow, hey guys. Been a while.

How are you all doing? I have an update on the bee attack. 3 survived it. One was half blind after it. But, alas, their fate was sealed. the bees attacked those 3 again. i don't really know why they attacked the silkies and none of the other chickens. only one of the 3 survived, but i have to say that she was the strongest after the first bee attack, so the second time, she only got about 3 or 4 stings. the blind one hanged in for quite a while, but gave up the fight, being totally blind the second time around. so, out of 28 silkies that we got, we only have one left.

I had a whole string of bad luck in the last few months of 2016. Didn't really have time for byc chats hahaha. My husband is a honey farmer. When he harvested honey, he got about a quarter of what he usually gets. We had some family staying with us, and they stole from us and from the old madala staying on our property. So the landlord chased them away. In all the sorting out of all their junk, and working with the honey, we had to get someone to mow the lawn for us. He was busy mowing the lawn on the sidewalk, and left the gate open. My beloved dog ran out and a truck ran over him. Lost my cat as well. So I only had the chickens left, but it seemed like they joined with cosatu. They had a egg strike for 4 months and 4 of them decided to elope and find them a new home - at my husband's work. And to make things worse, my husband had his job hanging on a string with the bad economy.

2017 has been filled with blessings thus far. We built a new coop for the chickens, and cooped them for 2 weeks. The old madala came home with about 40kg wheat, that he picked up next to the road (fell off a truck that parked on our sidewalk). Then the egg production started again. 4-7 eggs a day. I have 4 broody hens now. Only searching for eggs (want new blood now) to give to them all. I got a new cat, am in the process of adopting 2 puppies and my husband didn't lose his job. He only works 4 days a week now, but at least he still has his job. Someone also offered me a second job, without knowing what struggles we have had. So, we are ok! My baby is a toddler now (can't believe time goes by so quickly! She is 15 months now) and learning new things every day. And she loooooves animals. She runs after the chickens, and check out the coop regularly. She also tries and collect the eggs. She joins the chickens in eating all the peels that we through out to them hahaha. Oh and the rain! so thankful for the rain we got! So many blessings. God is good.

Hope everyone has a great year.
Great to have you back, I am so sorry for the bee atack that must have been awful. Our bees are very aggressive.

I totaly agree 2016 was the kakest year ever - and as far as I know the Chinese year came in Feb 16 so its a New Year completely - things can only get better. Rain glorious rain - it's not stopping! where there was grass and soil in the coop now its mud mud mud. The wind blew the door shut yesterday and I found my Chisi hiding with her four chicks under a bush, the lightening scared them so much and me - it is really something this year.

So gladhubby didn't lose his job, my son has battled since leaving school and Uni to get a job BEE! so he decided to become a day trader on the stockmarket. I had been saving ince he was born not much 10 Rand a month so he withdrew all and is now making money thank goodness. Actually he is getting very good, made a killing on chicken food! lol

Not sure if you want some chicks but I have really good Pekin Bantams about 3 months I just have too many chooks now with my Sebrights. I would love to find a good home because they are really strong chicks and not interbred.

@chameleon how are the chicks coming along
Hey, they're doing great, thanks. They spent their first day out in the run yesterday and went nuts all dustbathing on top of eachother. I wish i got a video, it was so funny.

NN doesn't like them, but she's layed 11 eggs already so she should go broody any day now. I hope she can hatch some.
Brilliant so have to run will chat later Po Po here!
@chameleon Sorry about that I was already with a coffee for a chat and the Police turned up. They have identified the hi jackers from the prints on my car and another huge ROBERRY OF 11,000,000.00 R of jewellery in Linden. Who the hell has 11million - Iknow in real money its not much but heck that is a lot here. Anyway going to have to pick them out of a line up - not looking forward to that actually.

Anyway congrats on NN's eggs I do hope she sits. Thought the sun tanning was great! You must have quite a family going on there now
Do you have any rain yet? think its coming your way - hope so! - had enough now here thank you.
  Sorry about that I was already with a coffee for a chat and the Police turned up.  They have identified the hi jackers from the prints on my car and another huge ROBERRY OF 11,000,000.00 R of jewellery in Linden.  Who the hell has 11million - Iknow in real money its not much but heck that is a lot here.  Anyway going to have to pick them out of a line up - not looking forward to that actually.

Anyway  congrats on NN's eggs I do hope she sits.  Thought the sun tanning was great!  You must have quite a family going on there now:jumpy  Do you have any rain yet?  think its coming your way - hope so! - had enough now here thank you.:)

Sorry, not fun, but I'm glad they got the guys at least. Sometimes it looks like they're not doing anything.

We're probably the only area that hasn't been hit too hard by the drought. It's been a little dryer than usual but we've still had plenty of rain. One corner of the run is permanently damp, and the chickens like to dust there to cool down :D I am enjoying them so much, it was only for a few weeks but I really missed my chickens.
Great to have you back, I am so sorry for the bee atack that must have been awful. Our bees are very aggressive.

I totaly agree 2016 was the kakest year ever - and as far as I know the Chinese year came in Feb 16 so its a New Year completely - things can only get better.  Rain glorious rain - it's not stopping!  where there was grass and soil in the coop now its mud mud mud.  The wind blew the door shut yesterday and I found my Chisi hiding with her four chicks under a bush, the lightening scared them so much and me - it is really something this year.

So gladhubby didn't lose his job, my son has battled since leaving school and Uni to get a job BEE! so he decided to become a day trader on the stockmarket.  I had been saving ince he was born not much 10 Rand a month so he withdrew all and is now making money thank goodness.  Actually he is getting very good, made a killing on chicken food! lol

Not sure if you want some chicks but I have really good Pekin Bantams about 3 months I just have too many chooks now with my Sebrights.  I would love to find a good home because they are really strong chicks and not interbred.

We had too many bees on our plot, so it didn't help with the honey harvest. We sold 15 hives and used the money to pay off on a loan that we had. now we only have 8 hives on the plot, and it's on the house's roof now, instead of standing on the ground, where the chickens can disturb them.

My husband is also trying the Forex market now, but he is still struggling a little. Winning some, losing some. We haven't really made anything yet.

I got my diploma in photography and wedding photography during the last 2 months of last year, and am so excited to have taken my first lightning pictures with this rain, also got nice cloud pictures. Still need to work on my post production, but I am learning. Want to leave the afternoon work I have now and do more Photography, but need to get my camera equipment up to bits first (my baby broke open the camera bag and jammed both lenses! Auto focus are not working, but luckily I can still focus manually).

I don't really have the facilities for chicks, unless they are a little older already. I am a bit lazy raising the chicks myself lol. I leave that for the hens to do! But I wouldn't mind some eggs! I gave one silky to someone I know and they have had a great success with their 4 little chickens. In less than a year, they have 20 chickens now. They don't live on a plot, but stay on a yard in Kempton Park, so now they want to give the rest of the eggs to me as they can't get it over their heart to EAT it hahaha. I will only see them on Monday. Can't wait. I also asked my brother-in-law to ask one of his friends for eggs. Will see what we can collect.

Good luck at the police station. Hope they got the right guy!

I also have to go now. Chat again later

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