Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

He's not really a bad dog, just in a bad situation. He's a 2.5 year old pitbull and they don't take care of him at all. He's locked alone in a small yard all day every day, and never gets any attention because they're never home. They never walk him at all, he doesn't even have a collar or a leash. He's very sweet with kids, and usually nice to the chickens too, but he's bored out of his mind and gets too hyper when someone finally does pay attention to him. But yeah, no more free ranging until I can put a better fence between our yards.

My cat was spayed 6 months ago, so I don't think it's an infection. But her stomache feels lumpy and I didn't like that vet that did the op, he was very dismissive of all my questions and seemed to be in a rush all the time. I'll have to take her back sometime, I just hate going when I feel they won't take me seriously.

I'm glad Xara is doing better.
A pit-bull left alone that is asking for trouble, especially as you say he is bored. Did they get him just to be a guard dog? It seems to me that you will soon be adding another of the neighbours responsibilities to your family. Just be careful of him they are meant to be sweet, but they can turn for no reason and are vicious they just don't let go.

Maybe it is a hernia if it's is lumpy? but that shouldn't really make her miserable. Think you should find a new vet! Sorry don't mean to be bossy lol

Have a good Sunday, it's about to pour down again - more mud,I am going to have to put drainage in the run because it all builds up by the wall and it's like a swamp and beginning to smell really bad.
A pit-bull left alone that is asking for trouble, especially as you say he is bored. Did they get him just to be a guard dog? It seems to me that you will soon be adding another of the neighbours responsibilities to your family. Just be careful of him they are meant to be sweet, but they can turn for no reason and are vicious they just don't let go.

Maybe it is a hernia if it's is lumpy? but that shouldn't really make her miserable. Think you should find a new vet! Sorry don't mean to be bossy lol

Have a good Sunday, it's about to pour down again - more mud,I am going to have to put drainage in the run because it all builds up by the wall and it's like a swamp and beginning to smell really bad.

I agree, about the dog and the cat. He's not a guard dog, just a pet. But the do it quite often, get an animal because they think it'll be fun and then don't want to put the effort in of looking after it. The last 3 times they wanted to get more animals the landlord said no, fortunately he's realised they're not responsible with their animals. And I do need to find a new vet, there just aren't too many choices here.

Have a good Sunday too
I agree, about the dog and the cat. He's not a guard dog, just a pet. But the do it quite often, get an animal because they think it'll be fun and then don't want to put the effort in of looking after it. The last 3 times they wanted to get more animals the landlord said no, fortunately he's realised they're not responsible with their animals. And I do need to find a new vet, there just aren't too many choices here.

Have a good Sunday too
Those neighbours sound dreadful. I really hate people who are so irresponsible. I know the vet thing,its a mission to get to mine but he is worth it. Hope you find someone - have to google!
Those neighbours sound dreadful. I really hate people who are so irresponsible. I know the vet thing,its a mission to get to mine but he is worth it. Hope you find someone - have to google!

I know, it drives me nuts. And really I want to help the animals, but there's not much I can do. We don't have a dog because I have enough on my plate and couldn't give a dog all the attention and exercise it would need. Every time I take on a new animal I make very sure that I have the means to take care of it properly first, but they just keep adding animals. They're already planning to get more chickens again, but they want mostly roosters??? Another disaster waiting to happen. And as much as I'd love to, I can't afford to run an SPCA for all the animals they go through, and my husband would never go for it either.

Sorry for the rant
I'll go google some vets now, and maybe the number for the SPCA
I know, it drives me nuts. And really I want to help the animals, but there's not much I can do. We don't have a dog because I have enough on my plate and couldn't give a dog all the attention and exercise it would need. Every time I take on a new animal I make very sure that I have the means to take care of it properly first, but they just keep adding animals. They're already planning to get more chickens again, but they want mostly roosters??? Another disaster waiting to happen. And as much as I'd love to, I can't afford to run an SPCA for all the animals they go through, and my husband would never go for it either.

Sorry for the rant
I'll go google some vets now, and maybe the number for the SPCA
Roosters, are they crazy? with all due respect to Roo's they are only good for one thing! - all Roos weird - maybe they are going into cock fighting! I'd keep an eye on that one - how's your Monday so far - it's stopped raining and looks like a lovely day. My chooks are moulting feathers everywhere, but they look so smart. Anyway have to get on washing day! and I must fumigate my bedroom I got bitten by a spider last night prbably brought in by one of my six, four legged creatures. A real pain, swelled up like a ballon lol
Hi Whoop whoop, watch that spider bite, sounds scary! Beautiful day here too, we're PRAYING for rain!Sounds like chameleons neighbours need to get reported to the SPCA...
Roosters, are they crazy? with all due respect to Roo's they are only good for one thing! - all Roos weird - maybe they are going into cock fighting! I'd keep an eye on that one - how's your Monday so far - it's stopped raining and looks like a lovely day. My chooks are moulting feathers everywhere, but they look so smart. Anyway have to get on washing day! and I must fumigate my bedroom I got bitten by a spider last night prbably brought in by one of my six, four legged creatures. A real pain, swelled up like a ballon lol

They just like the way roosters look and don't think further than that. Sorry about the spider bite, ouch! Hope it heals soon. The weather is beautiful here today too. My daughter and then my cat woke me up super early this morning but they've all gone back to sleep so I'm enjoying some peace and quiet :D Have a great day!
Hi Whoop whoop, watch that spider bite, sounds scary! Beautiful day here too, we're PRAYING for rain!Sounds like chameleons neighbours need to get reported to the SPCA...

Our other neighbor reported them before but they managed to talk their way out of it. But I'm definitely considering calling the SPCA soon if I can't convince them to do something for that dog.
It will be difficult for the SPCA to do anything if there isn't any obvious neglect. If he's not starving and has access to shelter and water, there is nothing they can do legally. We had the same problem with a neighbour here. If they get all those roos, report them as a noise nuisance. And find out who their landlord is, and complain to them already now. They usually don't want to deal with any hassles, so they will just forbid the tenants hopefully.
That pitbull is just a disaster waiting to happen. It will end up biting someone and will be put down, because "he's vicious". Maybe you can convince them to hand it over to welfare, at least there he'll get a chance. And get sterilized. I HATE people who don't sterilize their pets! I have just adopted another rescue dog destined to be put to sleep because she bit someone (completely due to stupid and uncaring owners) and seeing what goes on is just heart breaking...

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