Chicken Coop

In addition to bedding deeply as noted above, I did notice there doesn't seem to be a lot of light getting into the coop. Is the one small window that is seen next to the door then only window and is it functional as a window? Are you open to putting in a few more windows?
In addition to bedding deeply as noted above, I did notice there doesn't seem to be a lot of light getting into the coop. Is the one small window that is seen next to the door then only window and is it functional as a window? Are you open to putting in a few more windows?
its funny i was looking through the pics and had the same thought!
Thank you both. Right now the shavings are 6-8" deep. And lol about the windows. Went to hardware store to get plexiglass to put windows on both sides. Right now the only window is on the west side so no morning sun. Also. I've been noticing them making pits to lay in the pine shavings so I'm thinking of keeping it more like 12". It's nothing for me because I have my own wood chipper to make our own bedding. I really appreciate the tips guys.
You're talking about bumblefoot right? I was worried about that from them landing on hard surfaces and such so I'm going to make sure it's kept deep.
and make sure you use the appropriate woods for shavings, like cedar can cause issues, and some others too (sorry i cant remember which ones, its been awhile since i looked them up)
Right now I have an over abundance of pine trees cut down last year. Saved all the branches so I'm going to use that primarily. Also have a bunch of maple. Will do research but for now I'll stick w pine and make sure it's nice and dried out.

The above pic just snuck in, couldn't figure out how to and chicken tho!

Here is an example of my roost the coop...

Do your babies have a dustbath yet? That may be why they are making holes in the bedding.

If they are sleeping in the bedding, it is a good idea to pick them up when you go to lock them up and place them on the roosts, making sure of course they can access roosts up and down on their own. I have one lower and one higher roost. They use the lower to jump up top and they spend all night on the higher roost...just a thought...if they are getting up and down just fine then the ramp is not too steep...otherwise you might try a lower angle on the ramp or a lower staggered roost so they can jump from one to the other...

This works really well...I used tree branches in the run and they love it...

Yes keep nestboxes covered until they are at point of lay...they will start to squat and combs will get bright red.
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Thank you. That is very helpful. I do not currently have a dust bath for them. I'm outdoors all day and let them free range but right now they're getting the lay of the land. What do you suggest for making them a dust bath? The 7 week olds walk up the ramp with no problem. I was worried about it being steep but they don't seem to mind. I think I'll do some adjusting to the roosting branches. Makes sense that it would make it easier for them too. Thank you very much. Tomorrow will be a fun filled day of putting in a couple windows for more light and adding some different height branches too.
Also. I put them outside Monday. I've kept the red lights as it's been chilly here in CNY around 32 at night for a low. Should I start putting them on the roost now? Should I wait until they don't need the extra bit of heat at night in a week or two then put them up to roost being that it will be dark in the coop at that point. The 7 week olds do still sleep on the floor with the young ones. But quite frequently during the day they'll be on the roost. Figured it would take them a week or two to feel comfortable out there.
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Aw! you are most welcome.

I believe the consensus here would be that they don't need heat at 7 weeks. You also run the risk of coop fires with a bulb. If they are feathered out they should be fine. Ventilation is the humidity that creates all the problems. They now have down coats covered with feathers.

I would put them on the roosts.

Dustbath: you can get creative with it depending on room. Some people do a fun barbecue fire pit kind of set up dug into the ground. Easiest to start with would be a plastic tote/tub. Or you can fill up a kid's swimming pool...pretty full tho. Some combo of the below ingredients, making sure the combo is quite loose... starting with the dry dirt (if you don't have any, lol top soil bags would be fine). I would have it in the run and in a sunny spot....they LOVE the sun with the bath.

What goes in? Dry dirt, and then you can mix in some peat moss if you like, some folks add sand too, no problem, but the best addition is some wood ash, helps prevent lice and mites. It will fly everywhere, ergo the pit or a box with high sides.

And lets see some pics of your creations!
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