Chicken Dreams


6 Years
Mar 19, 2016
Houston, TX
I'm not sure if it's just me or if any of you BYC'ers have ever had a chicken dream. Feel free to list your dreams about you chickies here.

I had a particularly interesting one a couple days ago:

A large group of parents were having a lock-in at one of my possible future middle schools. They were viewing a art gallery entirely based on my chickens! I was watching in third person, but I was still delighted. There were individual portraits of each of my chickens, there were up-close photos of their feathers and more. One piece had each of the chickens "egg calls" that were recorded playing. Even in my sleep, I was able to recognize each one. The best piece, however, was at the very end. It was very large and painted on a canvas. It pictured a man with grease all around his mouth tied up by an american flag. You could see the chickens in the picture, and it was obvious they had tied the man up. At first, I wondered why they'd tied him up, but on observing it closer, I figured out why. There was a Chick-fil-a bag on the floor, knocked out of the mans hands. :) :yesss::yesss::yesss:

I might be crazy, but I wanted to share that with you.

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