Chicken euthanasia?


8 Years
Jul 2, 2011
I need to kill a very ill bantam. It's not tame. I want to touch/hold it as little as possible. None of this being held upside down to hypnotise it stuff works on her, doesn't seem to work on bantams. Therefore if I tried slit her throat or used the pithing method I'd probably get it wrong because she'd be flapping about. If I tried to break her neck I'm worried about getting it wrong.
Also, no one in my family has ever killed a chicken before and doesn't know anything about it.

I can't get an injection either. Therefore, I need to feed her something, because that's the only certain way. What can I feed her that will kill her peacefully and relatively quickly without making her sick first?

Thank you.
I know of no oral medication that would produce the results you're looking for - most poisons are not painless. IMO, the most humane method of dispatch would be that which is quickest - a quick chop to the neck. No need for slitting arteries in this instance since you won't be processing the bird. I'm sorry you're put in this position. It is almost inevitable that this time comes when keeping animals. Good luck.
chop her head off at night, get help,make sure the axe is sharp. I've never had to do it but am prepared. I have had to kill a wildbird before and I crushed it's head between two bricks. It was very quick and I didn't have to look at 'the damage"

Just put more effort into the 'strike' than you think you will need to, give it all you've got so you don't half kill it and end up feeling guilty.
Marcymom3: she has a lot of things wrong with her, some things I'm sure I don't know. Mainly old scaley leg and favus all over her. I am not planning to eat her.

blefky: thank you for the suggestion!

Animalian: thank you too. That seems like a good idea.
Thank you so much
I'm going to have to learn to do this if I want to be a vet, anyway. But I don't know if I'll be able to. :'(
Can you ask someone to help you? I don't think I would be able to either. However, if I knew my pet (or chicken) was in pain with no hope for recovery, it would give me strength to do it. My grandma had chickens when I was a kid. I don't remember ever seeing her butcher them but my mom told me that she held them by the head and swung their bodies around. Mom said it was quick and painless. I don't know about the last part.
I have only had to do it once, but I used the broomstick method. I think it's the only way that will work for me. And do it at night so the bird is easier to handle. Just put a broomstick or a rake (tines down) on the ground, put chicken's neck under the stick, stand on both ends and yank up on the legs. Don't be too gentle or you'll have to do it twice (happened to me.. ugh!).

There is actually a youtube on this - it's very quick.
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I think it would make it harder if I got someone to help. and I don't think either of my parents would.

Thank you, featherz... that seems like a better way than just pulling the head off, anyway. Ugh, that must have been horrid!! D:

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