Chicken Fight


8 Years
Jul 10, 2011
Northern NH
My girls got in a fight, and it looks like the salmon faverolles won. Is there anything I can do for them? It has been two days since the fight, and the Dominique just is not looking so hot. When I first noticed the fight happened I tried use warm water to gently compress the battle wounds, but they just kept shaking their head away and refusing to let me clean them up. It looks like there is caked blood in her mouth and under her beak is swollen. I don't want to pick at the wounds, and they obviously are annoyed I'm checking them out. Would hydrogen peroxide be okay to rinse off the dominique's beak? I'm worried about what is going on inside her mouth.

In my 11 years with chickens I've never seen them do this to each other 😱

Peroxide is okay to use around the beak, but just don’t get it in the eyes. Repeated use may prevent wound healing. You can use dish soap and water, Vetericyn wound spray, and Triple Antibiotic Ointment is fine to use on wounds. Are they have
Ing problems opening beaks or eating? Do they have plenty of room and nest boxes?

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