Chicken hatched Guinea Eggs (ANOTHER UPDATE & PICS-POST #36)

They are adorable. So cute !!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing.
I took them away and put them in a brooder. She is just too vigerous in her scratching. She killed one in her stamping, digging, frenzy, of hunting for food. They are just not bright enough to jump in and out while she scratches. I watched her step on three of them and just kick them to the back and keep on digging... SO they are now with my Bantam cochin chicks and very loudly disapproving of this move. Im just not going to risk any more deaths.
Oh no!!! What a horrible thing to have happen!!! Silly overzealous Chicken Momma overdid it with the Mommyin' n teachin' em how to scratch? (I'm trying not to laugh cuz, it's really not funny, and I'm sorry you lost one
). I've never heard of that happening before! Glad you saved the rest, maybe you can give them back to her when they are a week older and a little tougher?
OH NO!!! Sorry to hear about what happened. You did a good thing moving them. It was for their own good and safety. I hope all goes well with the move.
OK I gave them back to the hen after I built them a new pen, Fully enclosed about 8ft X 3ft with a dog crate to sleep in.
Temporary fix until I can put them in a bigger pen. Probably swap them and my Tom out since he has a big covered pen all to himself. He can move to the smaller pen and be just as happy.
She is still kicking and scratching like crazy but they seem better to get away from her at two weeks today. She did catapult a couple pretty far but they seem OK and bounced back. She was THRILLED to see them all again. They are just running around like chicks on speed!! That one poor chick is like being slow motion they are so fast in comparison.
I will get some new pics tomorrow.
UPDATE: I went out today (DAY 27) and this is what I found. My broody hen hatched 11 guineas so far. There are still 4 more eggs to go. If they don't hatch, then I won't be upset. I didn't think that 11 would hatch. I thought that I had put too many eggs under her.



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