Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

Thank you! Feel free to submit the city into the database, but make sure your link is a "live" link, and not a PDF. Remember Chickens allowed: YES, Zoning Restrictions Apply.
Question: can you make the entire database of codes, laws, and ordinances searchable for key words? For instance, I might like to search by the number of hens allowed. That is, which places allow six hens, which allow ten hens, etc. If I enter the search term "six" will I be able to search the entire database of laws, codes and ordinances, to find out which towns/cities/municipalities allow as many as six hens, or ten hens, etc. I'd also like to be able to search for which places do NOT put any limits on the quantity of hens allowed. Or maybe someone would like to search for, a list of which places require the coop be 20 feet from the nearest neighbor's property line. I a searchable database would be useful in several ways: to include data in a variance application to be able to state that of 300 municipalities surveyed, X number of them allow six chickens. Or, someone might want to find a "chicken friendly" place to move to with their three dozen hens. or...
No, the database is not searchable at this time. I could see how such a function might be useful, but it isnt set up in that fashion.

On a side note, very,very few places have restrictions on the # of least in a format which was "storable" within the database. Often times, zoning ordinances determine the #of animals/livestock/poultry allowed. Since our database is location-specific, there is no way to accurately store (or update) each zoning code for each zone classisfication for each city or municipality. Too much data and no one would want to fill out the sumbmittal forms.
PM me. I have to verify all the cities' information anyway. I can make changes if necessary.
I found this regarding Gardena, CA, since I was just researching this city about chickens, too!

Chapter 6.16


6.16.010 Noisy animals and fowl in residential districts prohibited.
6.16.010 Noisy animals and fowl in residential districts prohibited.

No person shall keep or maintain, or cause or permit to be kept or maintained, upon any premises in any residential district of the city any animal, rooster or fowl which by any sound, crow or cry shall disturb the peace and comfort of any neighborhood or interfere with any person in the reasonable and comfortable enjoyment of life or property. (Prior code § 5-1.301)
I found this regarding Gardena, CA, since I was just researching this city about chickens, too!

Chapter 6.16


6.16.010 Noisy animals and fowl in residential districts prohibited.
6.16.010 Noisy animals and fowl in residential districts prohibited.

No person shall keep or maintain, or cause or permit to be kept or maintained, upon any premises in any residential district of the city any animal, rooster or fowl which by any sound, crow or cry shall disturb the peace and comfort of any neighborhood or interfere with any person in the reasonable and comfortable enjoyment of life or property. (Prior code § 5-1.301)
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So I would LOVE to have a couple (well actually about 3-4 backyard chickens) but I don't know what my town ordinances are. Anyone want to call for me since I'm too chicken (LOL) to call myself since I'm pretty sure our town hall has called ID??

I'm in Crestwood IL. And the village number is 708-371-4800 and their open Mon-Sat.

I'd call myself but I don't want to tip them off as to where to come snooping around:rolleyes:

I'd be Very Grateful to anyone who is brave enough to call for me:)

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