"Chicken maternity wear" on Project Runway


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Does anybody else watch Project Runway? It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Season 6 is underway, and in the second episode a contestant called Malvin was assigned the task of creating a maternity outfit, and he decided to go really conceptual with it and try and evoke the metaphor of a chicken mother with her egg.

Now, aside from the fact that we're obviously mammals and carry our "egg" around inside of us whereas chickens expel them and then sit on them, the judges were actually offended by the idea of pregnant women being compared to chickens. I think that if you're looking for a model of a good mother, then a chicken is actually a pretty good one. I mean, they sit on their eggs constantly except for brief excursions to find food, and then after the chicks hatch they spend most of their time guarding them and showing them the ropes, right? In the animal kingdom, that's not too shabby!

I think there are probably a lot of ways to do a take on the "chicken and egg" theme in maternity wear and make it cute and tongue-in-cheek. But the judges didn't seem to think so. Do you have any opinions?
Yeah, I thought that as well. Not only was Mitchell's outfit poorly constructed, but it wasn't really creative either. Not that I would wear either outfit, but I really thought he would win out over Malvin! But hey, I thought Ari would win over Mitchell in the first episode, so what do I know.
I love project runway!! But that "egg" outfit was awful! It looked like the model was carrying a burlap bag of pregnancy around. He just went too conceptual, but I really think it was his fabric choice that sunk him for good. Had he used a chic black it wouldn't have been so obnoxious. Also, he had it all draped nicely once, but by the time he was finished sewing it it didn't look so great.
I watched it too. I think the Egg Sling would have looked better if he had made a long dress out of it.

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