Chicken math

How do you like your Buttercup? I tried to hatch some this year but the eggs were packaged poorly and few developed only two made it to lockdown and neither of them hatched. It was a very hard day when I gave up on them as they were a surprise gift from my DH2B. His nickname for my is Buttercup without even knowing there was such a chicken he called me that lol
All these stories sound like my chicken math. Started with 5, hatched out 7 more under a broody hen and now 9 more via the incubator.......probably more to come. :)
Since criminals don't follow the the laws... the government doesn't follow the laws...even the president doesn't follow the laws, why should any of us follow them?
Do what you gotta do to stay alive!

I'm conflicted, here .... Up until that that last line, I was right there with you ..... but ......then there was:

"Do what you gotta do to stay alive!" ....... that there is what Zombies do : "BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!! must eAT BRAINS!!!!!!!1!!11!! (CAUSE THAT WILL KEEP US ALIVE) .

I hope to get more out of life than Alive (which, if that's all you are hoping for, LOOK ! It's your Failboat......).....

Once Upon a Time ..... All "Government" that REALLY matterered was Local ....... Life,Liberty, and the Individual Pursuit of Happiness were the GAME, then .....not laying alms at the foot of some K Street Lobbyist.........

...... Disclaimer: The Above was scribbled by a self described Independantly minded Republican ...... who's as of now voting for Ben Carson......
I decided to re-evaluate my chicken solution to get a better total yesterday. After subtracting 1 who decided freezer camp would be more fun than the coop, I now only count 8 chickens...
My three Roos (who can't go anywhere due to the DW's attachment), and 5 laying pullets.
Sure, I have 8 more pullets that are freeloading at this point, 4 little cockerels that are going to join the family for thanksgiving dinner, and 10 5 week olds that still haven't joined the flock so... Since none of them count, i need more chickens! A tractor supply store is opening in my neighborhood in January, I'm can't wait to check them out!
Click, I hate to break it to you ...... but unless you have unlimited feed, space and zero neighbors ...... All the chickens that both eat and therefore poop, DO in fact count..........
Did the very first chicken math subtraction (culling)
so sad
Unfortunately or fortunately however you see it, you need subtraction to keep chicken math in check. It never completely covers the addition each year. Subtraction keeps my feed bill from being astronomical.
Click, I hate to break it to you ...... but unless you have unlimited feed, space and zero neighbors ...... All the chickens that both eat and therefore poop, DO in fact count..........

You seem to be lost ;) This thread is about enabling each other and helping to rationalize more chickens!

sadly, I'm down another one today. DW's attachment to our children is stronger than the attachment to the little feathered guy that chased my little guy across the yard. That was his third strike. Fortunately my boy is alright, managed to chase the cockerel off before he caught up.

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