Chicken math

Currently have 7 laying hens. Also have 9 10 week olds, 7 10 day olds in the brooder. Starting to get a wide variety of different chickens which I love. Went to bomgaars today for feed- loved the black sexlinks. Decided I'm at capacity now so left w no chicks. Texted my husband to tell him I'm so proud of myself for my willpower. He says- we need more variety go get a couple and I just added on to the coop so there's room at the 'Hilton' right? I go back in & look again- decide I can add to my flock later or even next year- MAJOR willpower. I leave the store w no chicks. I tell my boys when I picked them up from school that I looked at chicks today but decided we had enough for now- my 7 yr old says 'aw mom, just 3 more?' Jerod is definitely my chicken partner in crime & also my avatar pic. I swear my family is enabling my chicken math addiction... We may be making a trip to bomgaars tomorrow.
I have 36 year old hens 6 years old Roos, 6 two month old, 6 one month still in brooder. Except 12 eggs on the 30th, 19 chicks on the 1st of june, 12 on the 15th of june, 30 on the 21st of june. I will be adding 12 of my own hens eggs to the bator for a total of 24 eggs. Chick math is a horrible thing. Chicken math is all multiplication. The more I hatch the more I want.
The more I hatch the more I want. 

The more I find out breeds the more I add chicks

I had to set up three new brooders to accommodate all the chicks I got this week! Plus I branched out into goslings and ducklings (with another order of ducklings to arrive in a week).

When did my want list turn into "some of each" and "a lot of some"?
Started with 5 silkies 7 months ago.

Current flock has those 4 silkie hens and a roo.

Australorp roo and 3 hens
2 BR
1 EE
5 barnyard mixes

Close to laying
15 wlh
12 golden sex links
13 br

9 ee
7 silkies (these will be sold)

Close to 70 now. Setting more in the incubator next week. Good thing they only hold 14 between them.
Subtraction occurred today, sold 7 brown leghorn cockerels back to the feed store. DW is mad we didn't get any pullets out of that batch, and is now demanding more chicks lol.
Current count: 32 chickens (not counting 4 Cornish Crosses due for processing in two weeks) and 3 turkeys.
Feed store had Guinneas and Pheasants, was able to stay strong and not spend the feed money on them (this time
) lol
Is It better to ask permission or beg forgiveness? I promised my hubby no more chickens this year but I found two bantam cochin hena on CL and I really want them since I most likely have three roos and only one hen out of the chicks I got 6 wks ago. oh and I live In N MI and don't want the two Im keeping to get cold this winter.
Quote: Just got a trio of Seramas (2 Blue hens and 1 Frizzled Blue Mottled Rooster), a handicapped BO, and a special needs Black Australorp. Also, I have my eye on a Brabanter hen I found near me that someone is selling........
Forgot to add that I got some more chicks a while ago....
2 Mottled Cochin bantams
2 BOs
3 Naked Necks
1 Golden Sebright
2 White Silkies
1 Cuckoo Maran
1 Buff Brahma
1 White Rock
1 Dark Cornish
1 Sicilian Buttercup
1 Speckled Sussex (poor girl has a limp because she was born with a crooked toe)

Defiantly planning on getting more though.....

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