Chicken math

I understand this hole chicken math and how it works I have a 8 ft high by 4 ft wide and 8 ft long with a 7ft high by 10 ft long run . it's 2 square feet per chicken in the coop and 10 square feet in the run, right? But I have 6 chickens and 6 ducks (2 Perkins and 4 rouns). Do I have or not have enough space and what's the math on ducks?
My mom bought us 4 and I wanted more, so my husband told me I could have no more than 10. But when I went to buy some black sex links, there were only 8 left so I bought all of them. One of my leghorns died so we got 6 more leghorns about a month ago! So now I am up to 17! Once we get the orchard planted, we will meat birds!
I finally decided to raise chickens again. Went to 'look' at what was available at TSC, and wanted 2 RIRs and 2 ISO Browns. Had get a minimum of 6, so came home with 4 RIRs and 2 Browns. Remembered another place that has chicks every year, so contacted then to see if they had Buff Orpingtons. YES, they did!!!! So went to 'look' at them, and came home with 2 buffs and 2 barred rocks.
So now I have 10 with 2 more buffs coming from a friend when they hatch. I hate to think if I started out wanting a dozen what I'd have by this time!! But they are sort of like potato chips....... you can't have just one. :)
I haven't posted on this thread in a few days because I have had some hard chicken math problems.....

Saturday- DH's dog (English Setter) got out of her kennel and killed 2 Crested Cream Legbar hens & 1 Barred Rock hen. Also injured another barred rock hen and a CCL rooster. Now have 103 chickens.

Sunday- Went to chicken swap. Bought 3hens from what appeared to be a respectable farmer. Put them in quarantine area-thankfully-because I heard one coughing and one is not acting too good either. Lesson learned-never been to a swap before, but next time I will check out what I am buying much closer. Up to 106 again.

Later Sunday-neighbors found DHs dog-after she had attacked and killed 3 of their chickens. For compensation, they thankfully agreed to take 3 of ours. So, I gave up 3 of my good layers. We are super thankful they are not mad and did not press charges. 103 again.

Monday- injured barred rock died. 102.

Tuesday thru Today-chicks in the incubator hatched. Turned out 22 in all. 124 now. A couple may need culled....just watching them closely now. Also I am suppose to pick up 4 barred rock pullets on Saturday! I'll let you know my numbers later this week!!!
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I'm glad I found this post! I decided to get a few chicks for eggs and spent a whole day going to different feed stores and looking at different ones. Finally decided to get 6 black australorps from tsc. Went back the next day to get my BAs and came home with 6 BAs and 6 ISA Browns as well. I have now decided I don't want to wait for months for them to start laying and am buying 3 laying hens at the end of the week. So my 6 quickly turned into 15. I also decided that having all brown eggs would be boring and one of the ones I'm adding this week is an Amerucauna. I wonder what will be next!
25 was the first number. But I found out that 25 = 26. Then I realized that 26 actually = 21. That's just crazy.... so i decided to add 6 and see what the total worked out to be. 21 + 6 equals 41. That stumped my wife, so I decided that I should add six once more and see what happened. 41 + 6 = 49. A day later though, it equals 48. My wife decided to take away my calculator. The chickens are doing the math on the feed now, so I guess I am in for more mathematical surprise!
The chicken math on feed can be a little scary during the winter but it is good now that they can free range. That will only last until I get my CornishXs. But thats chick starter si its ok.
Don't understand why you are getting three roosters for three hens when one rooster can do the job to fertilize many more hens than three. Further more hens are much happier and less stressed if no roosters are there to harass them.

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