Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

I've heard that fertilzied eggs taste richer and are therefore "more fancy" than 'normal eggs'. Also heard fert. eggs go bad faster becuase they are fertilized.
I can't taste the difference
some people.....

We got some eggs from my mom's boss' mom and they were brown and green. we ran out of white store eggs, but still had the colored, and my mom told my little sister(15) to make some brownies. She said she couldn't because there weren't anymore chicken eggs.......

we busted out laughing. quess she thought the colored ones weren't from chickens. she also said she didn't like the farm eggs becuse they were fresh (from a chickens bottom).......
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Reading this thread made me laugh.
I had to explain to EVERY SINGLE person after I got chickens how it was possible to get eggs without a Rooster and hen mating first. I'm a city girl who moved to the country and has all city girl friends. Many also say "Eww..don't they smell really bad??"
I'd be concerned about that vet. Even a small animal vet should know lice are species specific. That is pretty basic information.
My favorite remains, I won't eat your eggs, they came out of a chicken's butt. Or even worse, I'll buy my meat in a grocery store -- no animals were harmed during the processing of this drumstick --
My favorite would be I do not eat fresh eggs cuz the come from a chicken. I ask were do u get ur eggs then? Answer a carton. So sad. Okay here is a dog one true event, I was at the store with the hubby when a young lady came up to us and asked excuse me can you tell me if this is a girl or boy puppy. I did not know what to say.

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