Chicken Names!

Some of mine
Shimmer my Black Standard Cochin Roo
Jitterbug his black girlfriend
Isis white cochin hen
Marshmellow white cochin roo
Dutch barred cochin roo
Doodles Blue cochin hen
Casper white orpington roo
Luna white orpington hen
Shadow blue orpington hen
Swede blue orpington hen
Honeycutt Buff cochin roo
Ozzy golden polish roo
Reba golden polish hen
Zoey blue polish hen
Miley baby sizzle hen
Sam white sizzle hen
Carley black sizzle hen
Awesome white and black banty hen
Frick Black australope roo
Freddie evil black silkie roo
Rosie white bantam hen
Buttercup buff black tailed bantam hen
Gobbles Royal Palm turkey tom
Lucy bronze turkey hen
and many more I cant think of now..........
I have Lil roo who started off as snowy when we thought she was a white silkie hen but turned out to be a splash silkie rooster and
Heather his gray silkie mate
Rocky and Belle are Barred rocks
Daisy our buff orpington we lost her partner Banana
Gigi and chipmunk the guinea hens
I have 4 hens - 2 black australorps and 2 barred rocks and a gold spangled Hamburg rooster. None of the hens have names....yet. But the rooster just started to crow last week and I toyed with the idea of naming him "Jon Bon Crow-vie" .

All 4 of my ducks have names. They were ducklings from a local YMCA camp. At the end of summer there was no one to take care of them after all the campers had gone home. So I took them in. Their names are: Dit, Dot, Dash, and The Lovely Beyonce'.
Mine are:

Crow - black australorp
Dearie - speckled sussex
Ruby - RIR
Bea - RIR

Ron named Crow, I named Dearie and the two very adventurous RIRs are named after our mothers. When people ask me how I know which one is which I tell them "the first one I see is Ruby."

Our remaining roo, a barred rock is John Wayne. He and his two brothers who went to freezer camp were all named Marion (because they looked like my friend Marion) until they showed their true feathers! My last name is Morrison so you all can figure out why he's named John Wayne now cantchya?

John Wayne so far doesn't crow in the early morning like his poor bros. We'd keep him anyway. Our killing days are over plus he is really named now.
Our Chicken names:

BBC - Big Black Chick
LBC - Little Black Chick...LB for short
Coco Puff
Whiskers - Ameraucana of course
Houdini-escape Artist
Cluck Norris
Big Red
Jersey Girl
I have two chickens.
One is named Christina Rossetti.She is a Barred Rock and is named that because Christina Rossetti is a poet and Barred sounds like bar

The other one is named Cider for her color.She's a ameraucana.
Our ladies are/have been:

Meatball (named by my daughter)
Little Debbie
Little Gray
Meatball Junior Spaghetti (named in honor of meatball, who had died)

And we have some EE babies of unknown gender, currently known as:
Owl (he/she has the cutest white owl face against darker head feathers!)
The Other One
Cricket - Isa Brown
Wichita - Black Australorp
Pebbles - Barred Rock
Medina - Tolbunt Polish
Apple - Rhode Island Red
Nelly - Buff Orpington
Ebony - Svart Hona
Eggy - Easter Egger
Sue - Speckled Sussex
Grace - Lavender Ameraucana
Coco - Barnevelder
Ruby - Golden Laced Polish
Buffy - Buff Laced Polish
Lacy - Silver Laced Polish

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