Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Well, my new coop isn't quite finished. It needs a people door. So the babies are in the brooder area of the new coop during the day. At night I've been putting them in a dog crate and hiding them in the non-chicken approved outbuilding. (hubby doesn't like the dust on his stuff)

He had said no more chickens until the coop was finished. When I agreed to take them, it was supposed to be finished by the time I picked them up. But rain had other plans, and it's not done yet.

In my defense, they are English Orps........who could pass THAT up?

Who did you get English Orps from????

I got them from Cherylcohen on here. She hatched them from Tuffoldhen's stock. They are 50% English. I have a blue cockeral and a blue pullet. They are both so sweet and friendly, not to mention HUGE! They are like twice the size of a "normal" 9 week old chicken.
Quote: have no idea how much this resonates with me! I find EVERY time I am in TSC...I am thumbing through all of their books...this after I've bought SOOO many! My current addiction is silkies and ducks. All of my research is pouring into them. I would love to get some quality Cayugas and Welsh Harlequins, and Rouen, and, Buffs, and Golden something-something...and, and...
I could keep going! DH wants turkeys. TURKEYS!!! I am so out of my element with turkeys! My dad had a Tom that used to chase us around his farm. It has haunted my nightmares!
Who did you get English Orps from????

I got them from Cherylcohen on here. She hatched them from Tuffoldhen's stock. They are 50% English. I have a blue cockeral and a blue pullet. They are both so sweet and friendly, not to mention HUGE! They are like twice the size of a "normal" 9 week old chicken.

I see an egg swap in my future!
Ummm...yes! And when they are here fresh from the press...I'll put you down for one!

Put me down for one too. I feel this will cause more "awareness". We need to realize that because there is no known cure, awareness is key!
My addiction is like the flu...Now my daughter has it!! We are going to the Nationals on Friday and she keeps making lists of all the breeds she wants. And she keeps asking me how many chickens she can buy with the money she has saved for this trip. I told her the shed is already full of HER chickens, no more room. And there are ducks and a goose in the garage. She kindly reminded me we have plenty of space in the basement! I am such a bad parent for influencing such a young mind.
Hey Muggs! I figured I might as well join in, because, as you know I have "problem" with chickens, too!
No, you're an awesome parent! Just think of all the kids that want video games with their money! She's learning a lot that she would never have otherwise.
Yay Christine!
You sure do have a problem! At least you are focused on quality purebreeds. I have an addiction to purebreeds and backyard mixes! Pretty soon, we'll all be hitting you up for your hatching eggs! Did your tolbunts ever hatch?

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