Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

I had bad luck luck with my goat, he died 6 days after I got him. He was sickly when I got him. I think I will try again in the spring, maybe with an older pack-trained wether.

Although, Llamas have been looking tempting lately!

I took my WCBlue Polish 'Alberta' to the office with me today, the other birds pick on her and she was hiding outside in the snow shivering...


She seems happy on her PVC perch, so this may evolve into a regular thing lol
Oh bummer about your goat!!! I'm so sorry. Llamas scare me, but our alpacas are cool as sh*t! Seriously, just wacky and curious about everything. They have taken it upon themselves to chase anything that meanders into their pen (cats, chickens, ducks...) I swear they are herding them!

As far as the rest of you...there are THAT many of you that say NO to goats?!? I am very surprised!
Oh bummer about your goat!!! I'm so sorry. Llamas scare me, but our alpacas are cool as sh*t! Seriously, just wacky and curious about everything. They have taken it upon themselves to chase anything that meanders into their pen (cats, chickens, ducks...) I swear they are herding them!

As far as the rest of you...there are THAT many of you that say NO to goats?!? I am very surprised!

I Love Goats, I had one years ago and she was so much fun. Now just need to work on hubby some more, only problem is everytime I bring up getting goats he starts looking at Harley Davidsons on line.
I am totally and uncontrollably addicted to goats.
I love my new goats and I can't stop looking at CL for more!!! They are so tame now and I can lead them down the street like dogs. We go for walks and they eat dried leaves like potato chips. I can't wait until they are old enough to breed so I can have baby goats!!! OH MY!!!


They are so lovely!!! I am willing to make my family house poor just to buy a farm and expand on our critters. That is how obsessed I am about getting, and Dexter cattle, mini horses, and mini donkeys...and more alpacas!

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