Chicken Run Help

Are you doing something with the outside area now too?

I have two questions:

Here is the run all straightened out. How far up should I put the hardware cloth? The fence is 5ft tall right now (and I will be putting aviary netting over it.

This is the inside of the coop. Right below me is the nesting box. Does it matter which side I put the roost on (left or right)?
I would say to put the hardware cloth up as high as you can! lol
I think two feet would be good though.
You are bending it out at the bottom to make an apron right?

The roosts can go where ever you want them..just higher than the nest boxes for sure.
I would put the roost somewhere were I could put a pop tray under them to collect the poop and be able to get to the trays to clean them.

Does that even help any?
Sorry...I'm not too good at explaining.

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