Chicken Squawking-run size?


In the Brooder
Sep 17, 2022
Southern Ontario
Hi everyone. Looking for some advice before I put in a bit of work to extend my run size.

I have 4 hens. I have one of those designs where my little run is directly under the coop. The coop is 4x3 up top and the run I extended out a bit underneath to be 4x5.
My girls free range in my decent side back yard all day so the run was really sized more just for a place to keep some food and water and to have a bit of space until we wake up in the morning.

I have a columbian X that squawks sooooo loud in the morning and freaks out trying to get out of there. I live in the city and i am a little self conscious of the squawking and waking the neighbours. (although the same neighbours dog has been waking me up for 5 years now lol) I hear her an i burst down stairs as fast as possible to let them out and shut them up.

I have some room to extend the run. By doing this i hope that maybe they don't feel like they are in prison in the morning and just scratch around in there until i get up. (i get up at 6:30, i am not a sleeper inner)

Do you guys think this will help or do you think because they are free range hens that will will want out of there space no matter what the size? I do not want to do all the work for nothing.

Any advice helps, thanks!
How about installing an automatic door so they can get out while you sleep in a little. There's some affordable ones.

I have 4 girls and a big run (8'x14') and mine still squawk! But not as traumatic as your Columbian X since they don't try to break out. They are also used to bring out in the yard.
I think if you give them a proper sized run, with a good organic litter to scratch around in and branches to perch on, they will be much less likely to complain about being trapped in there until 6:30. Putting a solid pitched roof over it so it can be used during inclement weather is a huge advantage and will keep it drier and therefore far less likely to start stinking.
I don't promote the 10 sq ft minimum run size per bird often sited here. I think 15 is far more reasonable a minimum per bird based on normal chicken behavior. And when the flock size is smaller, I think it's more important still because you can't fit a lot of "things" in a tiny run. Therefore, it becomes a boring prison cell.
Be glad that all she is doing is complaining verbally. She could be complaining by ripping the feathers out of her flock mates or pecking at them.

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