chicken toys ??

I started to post a question regarding toys... went to Petco for bedding and somehow wound up in the parrot toy isle
Found so many great things, but was not sure and hubby had the "ok, you have lost it" look on his face, so I came home empty handed. Our girls do get bored tho..... came across this old thread by way of Google. Yep, I was searching for toys made for chickens
Great ideas on this thread and wanted to boot it back to top, since winter is coming and so is the boredom! Going to head into garage and see what I can build to entertain my girls!!!!
I hang "corn trappers"?? I'm not sure what the proper name is, but it is a metal holder for corn used to feed squirrels. I have 6 of them hanging in the chicken yard on bungie cords. The hens love them and it takes weeks for them to pick all the corn off. The best part is that they can get rained or snowed on without ruining the holder or the corn and they are inexpensive to buy.
My chicks don't like cabbage very much but they LOVE for me to hang an ear of corn for them. Just peel the outside greens and tie a string on the stalk. They only get 1 a week though. Love the CD trick and the suet cage suggestion. I've got some of those lying around that I don't use in the summer for our wild birds.

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