Chicken walking like penguin


In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2016
So my hen recently started standing like a penguin. She can walk, though it looks uncomfortable, she is eating and drinking. She looks and feel bloated in her lower abdomen. When I picked her up to check it out, a tiny bit of liquid dripped down. Not sure if she has an egg stuck, or what the issue is.
Any suggestions?
It might be egg binding, but it also could be internal laying. Internal laying can cause an enlarged lower belly that may feel spongy or even hard if there is fluid inside (ascites.) It can lead to egg yolk peritonitis. Put on a disposable glove, and insert one finger into her vent an inch or two, to check for an egg (it will feel hard.) If no egg, it should feel soft like tissue. Let us know if you feel an egg. Here is some reading about both:
Thank you both! I couldn't feel and egg, her belly is definatley large and kind of firm. She couldn't climb up the little ramp into the coop tonight, poor thing. Suggestions as to what to do now?
So I have her soaking in a warm bath, she's eating and drinking and seems very relaxed, but still has that penguin-stance. What should I do once I take her out?
Give her a calcium tablet or Tums, or grind some egg shell and egg or yogurt to get some calcium into her. Give her a few sips of water. Place her in a warm humid room, such as in a bathroom where the shower has recently been running. A heating pad on low would be a good alternative. Hopefully, she will pass the egg.
How old is she and when did she last lay an egg? Does she feel unusually heavy?
If they are egg bound they usually don't want to eat and don't act normal. The stuck egg usually stops them from pooping and they are obviously straining to pass it and look stressed. They don't have a noticeably bloated abdomen as a result of egg binding either, so my guess would be that @excessive was right with her original diagnosis and you are perhaps mistaken about feeling an egg, perhaps you can feel the gizzard. How far in did you feel the "egg". If the hen is egg bound, it is usually just inside the vent and will feel solid. The fact that you did not feel it the first time suggests that may not the problem.
She is 2 1/2 years old and layed last about monday or tuesday I think. Last night this came out of her and now she's a bit more energetic but still pretty swollen.


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