Chicken with grey hair??


Completly Hopeless
14 Years
Dec 6, 2009
Southwestern Washington State
OK, so 1 of my barred rocks seems to have brown and white feathers on her tail and wing, instead of black and white. It isn't mud, could it be the chicken version of grey hair?
Do you know if they are pure? Have they been getting too much direct sunlight? I had a red roo that was gave to me that had white feathers on his head and when he molted out they were gone....come to find out the person did not have any shade for the roo in mid summer.
Probably just a sign that your Barred Rock isn't purebred, and the feathers are showing leakage due to whatever genetics she's carrying. Did you get her from a hatchery?

Does she lay an egg everyday though? - That's all that matters.
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I was given a 3 - 5 year old RIR that had no white feathers and after she molted she now has two white feathers. All of her feathers are shiny and beautiful, she just now has the two odd ones. So maybe

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