~ChickenBook~ (A "Facebook" type chat thread for your chickens!)


Bea 9/15/16

Puffy 9/15/16
Your welcome! I'm not doing much, just sitting on what my mom calls unfertile eggs, I still hope little chicks will hatch though! My mom doesn't mind if I sit on them though because we just got a wormer and my mom and her family can't eat our eggs for a while. Yeah, I have two Buff Orpington sisters and two Easter Egger sister. :) I'm the oldest! But not the highest in the pecking order, Henny and Arlo (Easter Eggers) are.

I love all the selfies guys! Tweeter, my mom is obsessed with emojis!

Comment:my mom hates when I try to sit on eggs!blackie is always broody.mom lets her sit on the eggs(not fertile)and then I go in there to lay a egg and I peck her and she leave.#verybroody #dramacticselfie

Bea 9/15/16
Comment:my mom hates when I try to sit on eggs!blackie is always broody.mom lets her sit on the eggs(not fertile)and then I go in there to lay a egg and I peck her and she leave.#verybroody #dramacticselfie
Tweeter 9/15/16

My mom was gonna name our duck that we found swimming in the lake blackie! But her parents were so convinced it was a runner duck, it was a cayuga.it didn't get along with our swedish blues, so it just slept outside with the wild mallards.sadly,she got attacked by otters :(


Tweeter 9/14/16
So cool! what is even better is that you dont have any grass in your beak! Well taken # DramaticSelfie!
Comment: Thanks Tweeter! Yeah, I like to keep my beak and feet clean

I hope you hatch some chicks Puffy! How many "unfertile eggs" are you sitting on? Yeah, I wish I was highest in the pecking order.
I have 26 sisters (It will probably too long to list all of them so I'm just giving you this link:
My mom made it.


Comment: Thanks Tweeter! Yeah, I like to keep my beak and feet clean

I hope you hatch some chicks Puffy! How many "unfertile eggs" are you sitting on? Yeah, I wish I was highest in the pecking order.
I have 26 sisters (It will probably too long to list all of them so I'm just giving you this link:
My mom made it.
Tweeter 9/14/16
wow! that is a big flock! (and a handsome rooster if i might add!)
Guess what? My sister got her own reality youtube show!
watch this one first!

Puffy 9/15(I think)/16
Sorry, guys it would take a bit to quote you all, but I'll try to reference to you all!

Bea, that's hilarious!

Princess, I think maybe 6 or 7.....I'm not quite sure though, but I know a lot! :D That's a lot of sisters!

Tweeter, I'm gonna have to watch the videos!

Puffy 9/15(I think)/16
Sorry, guys it would take a bit to quote you all, but I'll try to reference to you all!

Bea, that's hilarious!

Princess, I think maybe 6 or 7.....I'm not quite sure though, but I know a lot!
That's a lot of sisters!

Tweeter, I'm gonna have to watch the videos!
Tweeter 9/14/16
Alright cool! but in the meantime....


Comment: I know, I do live with a huge flock! Thanks, I think he's handsome too! :) LOL. I'll have to watch your sisters videos! That's soo cool!
My mom just cleaned out our coops. Their soo much nicer and cleaner! (And they smell F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!)


Comment: I know, I do live with a huge flock! Thanks, I think he's handsome too! :) LOL. I'll have to watch your sisters videos! That's soo cool!
My mom just cleaned out our coops. Their soo much nicer and cleaner! (And they smell F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!)
Tweeter 9/15/16
Thanks cool! The video quality isn't that good,but Some of it is kinda cute! I wish i could get in it more but the director chose the worst time to film! When i was in the Nest Box!
Ahhh, I love the smell of a clean coop! Feathery just went to Coop Goods,so we got this new Air freshener that smells like green apple Jolly Ranchers

User; The Duck Ladie
Name; Jasper
Breed: Black Runner
Gender; girl
Age: 6 months
I'm a independent, humorous girl, I enjoy a swim by myself in the pool

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