~ChickenBook~ (A "Facebook" type chat thread for your chickens!)


Update(???): Good evening! I'm Free-ranging at the moment and a with my "sister" Laverne. We just ate scratch! Yum! Not my favorite food but oh well. Who here would die for meal worms? I would!
Tweeter 9/22/16

to tell ya the truth, never had a mealworm ever!only wild worms and i caught a nightcrawler once but Feathery ate it :( 


Comment: Aww...that's too bad. They're to die for! And Feathery ate a worm? Yuck! I hate those things!
Tweeter 9/22/16

the garden in the yard is fenced off too. But i still sneak in and eat the leaves of the green bean plant and ruin the dirt nicely placed along the carrot patch :)

Haha we do stuff like that too, my mom calls my sister and I "troublemakers" ...whatever that means. And guess what! I got grapes and tomatoes yesterday! Aparently I've been a very good girl cause I have laid beautiful eggs every single day this week!!
Haha we do stuff like that too, my mom calls my sister and I "troublemakers" ...whatever that means. And guess what! I got grapes and tomatoes yesterday! Aparently I've been a very good girl cause I have laid beautiful eggs every single day this week!!
Tweeter 9/23/16
Cool! I dont get any today,but i might get peas and green beans! Sometimes i will sneak in the garden and pick juicy red tomatoes off the plant!(she actually does!)right now it is raining hard today is Fall! and it's raining......ugh i hate rain
Tweeter 9/23/16

Cool! I dont get any today,but i might get peas and green beans! Sometimes i will sneak in the garden and pick juicy red tomatoes off the plant!(she actually does!)right now it is raining hard today is Fall! and it's raining......ugh i hate rain

I've never had peas before, I'll have mom buy me some next time she goes to the store! We love the rain, we get all muddy and jump on the humans and the roof of the coops! but it's still super hot here in Texas! Can't wait for it to cool down!
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I've never had peas before, I'll have mom buy me some next time she goes to the store! We love the rain, we get all muddy and jump on the humans and the roof of the coops! but it's still super hot here in Texas! Can't wait for it to cool down!
Tweeter 9/23/16
really? we dont like it we stay under cover of your coop. unless it's just sprinkling.do you ever have bad hail in Texas? In Washington it not bad.This is sooo cool! I'm clucking to a chicken MILES away from me!
Tweeter 9/23/16
ooh! my mom has ducks too! This is Redferd,I think he is either a Swedish black or a Swedish Blue....
Jasper 9/23/16
@The Duck Ladie
Ooh, he's nice looking. Here's the other drakes in my flock, though the bottom one will be moving out soon...


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