~ChickenBook~ (A "Facebook" type chat thread for your chickens!)

Jasper 9/24/16
Are you kidding?! Rain is the best type of weather! Rain is when you run OUT of the house!

Agreed! No ducks here but we love the rain. We get lots of summer thunderstorms and they are the most fun! Especially cause it gets muddy and not 100 degrees outside!

myreyofsunshine16 09/24/16

Well then you must be a duck!!! I happen to be a chicken. Ever heard the expression ''madder than a wet hen''??

I've heard that expression but I don't get it, some of my sisters hide under the coop during the rain but most of us love to get wet and play in the puddles! Although it does take a good couple hours of grooming afterwards to make my feathers look all nice again...luckily we don't have any roosters here to impress.
Tweeter 9/24/16
cant find where i hid my green bean

Best Friends! (im in back)

Name: Danaerys (but all my friends call me Dany)
Age: 10 months
Breed: red sex link
Username: RRLaney
About me: Hi y'all. I'm Dany and I am the ruler of all the lands! I am actually one of the smallest chickens around (besides the babies) but everyone around here knows to respect me! I was here first and I have claimed all the land and all the food and even mom and dad all for myself! I share with my 14 sisters when they deserve it. I consider myself quite merciful actually, I never peck anybody unless they step too far out of line. I reside in Casterly Coop even though I also rule Hen's Landing. That's where I lay my eggs. It's bigger and more luxurious but I love my home and my blood sisters so we stick together in Casterly. I've definitely had some challengers to my throne, Lady Olena for one...when she first moved in there was a serious battle in which I obviously prevailed, but now she is my right hand hen and I let her keep watch over Hen's Landing at night when I'm not around. She's more bossy than me, she pecks everyone, even the babies!! So I know all the other chickens prefer me as their ruler! Anyways, that's probably all you need to know about me for now! Nice meeting y'all!

Name: Danaerys (but all my friends call me Dany)
Age: 10 months
Breed: red sex link
Username: RRLaney
About me: Hi y'all. I'm Dany and I am the ruler of all the lands! I am actually one of the smallest chickens around (besides the babies) but everyone around here knows to respect me! I was here first and I have claimed all the land and all the food and even mom and dad all for myself! I share with my 14 sisters when they deserve it. I consider myself quite merciful actually, I never peck anybody unless they step too far out of line. I reside in Casterly Coop even though I also rule Hen's Landing. That's where I lay my eggs. It's bigger and more luxurious but I love my home and my blood sisters so we stick together in Casterly. I've definitely had some challengers to my throne, Lady Olena for one...when she first moved in there was a serious battle in which I obviously prevailed, but now she is my right hand hen and I let her keep watch over Hen's Landing at night when I'm not around. She's more bossy than me, she pecks everyone, even the babies!! So I know all the other chickens prefer me as their ruler! Anyways, that's probably all you need to know about me for now! Nice meeting y'all!
Tweeter 9/29?30?/16
WOW! Totally radical coop!welcome to chickenbook!

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