Chickens didn't come out of the rain?????


11 Years
Aug 27, 2008
Hi there!

We had quite a bit of rain (first time in a LONG time in Michigan) yesterday and not one of my chickens had the sense to get in the coop!!!! Someone please tell me that they have smarter chickens!!!???
I'm in Michigan also. We had our first good rain in a long time last week and my chickens didn't go in either. Most of the time they go in if it is raining hard enough but they apparently were not in the mood to go in. Silly birds. I eventually went out and locked them in the coop until the rain slowed down.
i have smarter chickens!!,,hehe,, they are so smart, they take their own showers

almost everyone of my chickens play in the rain,, i mean SHOWER. hehe
My chickens have the same brains! Out in the rain as if it were sunny. I wondered (still wondering) why the heck they didn't stay in or go back to the coop. Plenty of food and water and dryness there. I guess they just didn't mind the rain and feel like pecking and scratching when every they please. So I added a heavy duty tarp ( boy that was fun) to part of the run for rain/shade. They didn't seem to enjoy my work or tarp at first but after I finished they don't find anymore. Yet even with a huge ( think tracker tarp) covered area the little buggers still wander into the rain. I figured it like this.....if my kids love to run around in the rain and play then the chickens must love it too! That's my 2 cents:p
I don't know for sure about Michigan but, it was only in the mid 50's here yesterday-not exactly summer, more like fall.

My chicks love the rain. The silly things will run out and play in it.
It has been really cold here since last Wednesday. We had a thirty degree drop between Tuesday and Wednesday.

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