Chickens fighting and not laying


7 Years
Jul 3, 2016
I have 3 chickens who have experienced considerable drama in their lives. We found a small flock of about 6 chicks, maybe 6-7wks old, about 18mo ago. No one in the neighborhood would claim them - even though chickens and chicks are quite common - so I took them in since I had an old coop and had had chickens at one time.

Because of some accidents, we lost 3 of them, but we've had 3 healthy, producing chickens for about 6mo now.

About a week ago, the chickens got lose - they'd dug a hole up against the bottom of the coop and figured they could slip out and feast in my veggie garden. The neighbor's dog - a rotten little mutt - heard them and broke into the backyard. I heard it and caught the dog roughing up one of the chickens. She was unhurt aside from a few pulled feathers. I treated her in an emergency coop for a few days just to be safe - made sure she was clean, recovering, etc.

Then put her back in the coop with her sisters. Now, they're all fighting with each other, and it's vicious. I've had to remove the one who was roughed up because she's having her feathers pecked out. They've all stopped laying, and I'm not sure how to restore balance and get them laying again. Suggestions?

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