Chickens in the rain?

Counting chickens

6 Years
Jan 2, 2018
South of Waco...
My Dad had many colloquial sayings, and I remember most.
There's one he said a few times, and I can't quite remember, but the gist was that chickens are too dumb to come in out of the rain, look up in the rain and drown. Don't be a chicken.
I may even be combining a couple with this memory.
Long story short, lost some chicks in the rainstorm last night. Coincidence? I think not...
Anyone else have similar experiences? Everyone was happy and healthy last night...
6 weeks old, outside. They had access to a small coop, and also under it.
Central Texas, but it was a cold front that blew the storm in, but the low was probably 58
Is hypothermia likely at that high of a temp?
I've got another mystery, and a friend said it was probably snakes. Had one with her head pulled thru the wire, but her head was still attached. (coons will take the head off)
And then another who was flat out scalped. All feather, skin and everything off the back of her head. one just dead. another was in bad shape, could not really see anything. Seemed to hurt her if I checked her out. So I just sat up and held her to keep her warm. She had a seizure (it seemed like) about 11pm and died. My friend gave me an idea to try and catch a snake with an egg.

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