Chickens In Ya Window

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I'm not thinking of shipping one, I'm wanting to receive from Ruby in NY. I want her little silkie boy! She has an extra, and I need a rooster. But I think we are waiting till spring anyway. I can look into Ohio laws too. I live right close to the Ohio border, and have friends that would receive for me, if Ohio is easier than WV.
And I have a wonderful vet for my dog. But honestly, I could never see myself spending money to take any other of my animals to my vet. "They're just chickens"....

HAHA Love it!
Yep just a chick with a belly full of mash . wait a second I just described the GNO girls.

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Ruby, I am curious now which state is she in?

And the issue isn't as much with the state shipped from as it is the state they are shipped into... most states require live animals to be from an NPIP source to come in, and this year most of them also added the AI testing... many states stopped allowing live shipments in at all...

I'm going to check now. She's a silkie breeder and she is selling two Roos, here on byc and FB. I sent her a message and said I was interested in shipping some cockerels myself and asked if I needed to be NPIP and she said no, she ships all the time and she is not NPIP or anything else. Just need the proper box, she said. So I will look into it, for sure!

They are about 2 years old from what I understand. They are quarantined, and I honestly considered just putting them down, but decided against it so far.

Thanks everyone for their advice. That was along the lines of what I was thinking. Right now they are in a very small pen, because that's what I had available. I have them on one side of my yard, and my other chickens are all on the other side.

Good luck with them, with whatever you decide! :hugs

Ravyn is in TN, and I'm in... well... WV! Lol But I brought it up because I'd love to have your little roo boy, if you end up getting rid of one! Guess we would have to check into our state's rules.

Yes, let's do our research! I'd love for you to have him, that way I can get pics and updates!!! :D

I guess p***ed is a bad word? Wow. Surprising.

Yeah, I typed that once and it made it look like I said something way worse then that!! :gig you have to say PO'd.
I would think that you can ship in state with out a problem . every state makes its own rules . for many years we have needed   heath certificates when crossing state lines with our horses . just to ride in state parks we had to have them . not that big of a deal . but don't want to go there with chickens . My vet has gone nuts on me and getting him to do anything is hard . DW stills sends his bills out once a mount . last time we had a horse with leg problems . she asked him about it and He asked her what did I think . I'd had told her not to worry it would be fine .he agreed with me without looking at the horse .but we are really good friends and both old . and he don't do chickens at all or large animals anymore . If you find a good vet. stay with them . don't be switching around . I don't plan on shipping chicks or eggs .you can bet the government will only make it harder . want it be fun slipping across states smuggling chickens . Walnuts already got the fast cars. be just the old days running shine . oops shouldn't have said that :lau easier now we call it fuel .

I recently found a vet that I really like. It was for my sons pet reptile but she has pictures up in her office of silkie chickens, ducks, quail and peafowl. So I'm really happy that I found her, just in case I ever need her. That's good advice to stick with one and build a good relationship!

Hi everyone, resting today in the Texas hill country! Internet is a little spotty, but thought I'd check in.

Awesome!! Have a great time. I'm super jealous and desperately need a vacation, so please have fun for me!
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