Chickens won't go outside...

Not only coop size but age and chicken breed as well, are all your birds the same age, and what breed? In my research I have found you should have, as a bare minimum, 2 square feet per bird, and that's if they only use the coop for sleeping. It is more ideal to have 4 square feet per bird an at least a linear foot of roost space for each chicken. Are they all relatively close in age, or do you have some that are significantly smaller? and if they are a meat-bird breed, I would expect some vigorous pecking, as they can kill each other if too confined and not enough of the right feed. Also, I have been told that when it is extremely cold, chickens need a higher protein diet, make sure you are feeding something with a high protein content or giving them meat scraps.
Also: check for mites or lice. Chickens are more likely to get them when confined, and they WILL to peck them off each other. I have found the best way to check for lice is to flip them over and check around their vent and the base of their tail feathers.
I have a new problem with my chickens not going outside and I am wondering if anyone can help me. They used to roam our farm as freely as they wanted to. This week they stopped coming out, except for a short time in the morning. There are two factors that I am wondering could have caused this behavior change.
1. We had visitors on our farm who (unfortunately) allowed their children to chase our chickens around the yard. By the time I was able to stop them, it had gone on for about 1/2 hour. Could this have frightened them inside?
2. We have 'gnats' in Minnesota right now. It is a challenge for any of us to spend much time outside, due to the nasty gnats. Could this have caused them to retreat to their coop?

Thanks for any thoughts.

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