Chicks arrived dead.

I am sorry to hear about your order.

I started up with chickens again last year and my entire order of 32 chicks (2 extra Marans) arrived dead. Everyone freaked. The Post Office lady was crying and the woman who picked them up for me called the SPCA in Alaska and in the shippers home state. The PO lady said the chicks were too old to be shipped. Then my friend called the man at his home and told him she would kick his a$$ if he was here in Alaska.

All I wanted was a few quality chickens...not all this drama. The shipper calmly explained that this is how things are done and somewhere along the line the PO screwed up. The shipper offered me either a full refund, or to reship the order.

I asked him to reship and 30 chicks arrived safe and sound in less than 24 hours. He was correct. Somewhere along the line the chicks got hung up and were delayed over a day extra. They were day old chicks the first time, but...and this may sound gross...the dead chicks will bloat and appear larger and older.

If there is any moral to the story, hang in there. Give the seller the benefit of the doubt and don't get discouraged.
I am so sorry for your loss! I was thinking about ordering my chicks but I heard all of the stories about them dying....
Not fun

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