Chicks arrived dead.

I would still post his name to prevent this from happening to others on this forum. I'm glad you're getting a refund, but what about all the future chicks that will get killed because of his negligence? All the refunds in the world can't reconcile that.
And that is why they died in shipment. ANYBODY (sorry for the caps) that has any idea of chicks and poultry in general knows that you can't ship birds at that age. That is why the USPS has rules about that....... wow even they know. I have seen just last week an officer of one of the "big" chicken clubs offering to ship week old chciks and was called out for doing so. People that would even try are only trying to make a buck and should be called out.

Sorry for the rant-ish

Agreed on naming names. That is just bad business, period--those babies didn't stand a chance! This makes me so sad.
I hope you get a full refund and he realizes that what he did was wrong, wrong, wrong!
I know how you feel! How terrible you have to go through this!
We went through a similar ordeal a few weeks ago. We lost a whole order of day olds.
So sorry to hear about your chick's.The only really horrid experience We had was from Mc Murray.We ordered 30 runner duckling's and all arrived DOA except 5 or 6 .They refunded Us of course but still It was SOOOOOOOO hearbreaking opening that box at 5:30 am at the PO and postal worker said OMG never seen anything like that in my life.We Did reorder about a month later from them and got all new duckling's (think we lost One DOA out of them).But think was postal mess with them but still Sad Sad.We bought 24 gosling's the next year and all 24 arrived safe(mis-routed to town PO but the PO called all day trying to let us know where to get them.We had bought our first ever 30 chick's from them and all arrived healthy and and all survived.Personaly would never ship any of my live chicks,Or NEVER larger bird's mail.We don't live near an airport where they can quickly go on plane etc.Local TSC got a shipment of bantam's here last month and all DOA BAAAAAAAAAA:hit.I haven't ordered any more live bird's since the Gosling's I basicaly take my chance's on hatching egg's and I did get some very nice layer's and bantam's from TSC here this spring.I would ask for a refund.But it's not alway's the seller's fault it's usualy USPS or what ever they use for shipping.I wouldn't even attempt to buy a bird Through mail.If you have ever dealt with Express mail via USPS It ain't the Pony Express sometime's
.We have a local small animal auction here I
hated seeing the bird's in orange crate's and boxe's for hour's on end sometime's 14/18 hour's on end(from time they were prepped and boxed and sold) waiting to get sold.Look for local bird's for sale and take a drive if you have to it's much better than stressing the bird's and risking death and you can meet the seller in person too.I only sell local and hatching egg's and found it very enjoyable.
This is so awful, I'm so sorry. I understand if you don't want to name names in a public way just yet... but I for one would love/appreciate a PM with this "business persons" name. I would be completely crushed if this happened to me, or anyone.
No name just yet. This person sells Welsummers and BLRW on Ovabid. Is advertising a trio

I inventoried the birds. Three were day olds and 6 were about a week old.
I'm so sorry you had such a horrible experience.
Your post has given me a renewed gratefullness for my"dumb-cluck" with healthy chicks, chickens, & roo's.( mine have all come to me thru' a friend.) All are thriving, despite the fox & coyotee's tries at raiding.
"Never give up, never surrender! Try, try, try again!"
yes, everything she said was true. i had that happen to me with my silkies...when they got here all were dead but two and over the first week both died. i got a refund, and now all are happy and very much alive. how far away are you from where they came from???

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