chicks coming I have everything I need?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
hello, my baby chicks will be here soon and i want to make sure I have everything they'll need when they get here! Thanks to this site im pretty sure I have a good set up for my brooder, but what else do they need? I have purina starter crumbles, is that all they eat? and sorry if this is a dumb question but what exactly is grit and do they need it? If you can't already tell, this is my first experience with chickens and i'm SUPER excited!
You need food (crumbles), water and a heat source. I used a 250w brooder lamp, plus a thermometer to make sure the temp is right. 95 for the first week, and 5 degrees less for the next 5 weeks, until room temp.

Have fun!

PS. I used pine shavings for the bedding, and it worked great.
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