Chicks Dying of 1 by 1!

Or you can get a little bag of chick grit at the feed store since you are going there anyway to get feed.

They generally don't need grit, however, to digest chick crumbles, but if they are eating shavings, it's not a bad idea. The diarrhea is troubling, and the poo eating. I think replacing the food is an excellent idea, but I wonder why they wouldn't eat the rice and egg, since that obviously was fresh.

I wish I knew. Are they drinking water?
Yay Chicks! :

Or you can get a little bag of chick grit at the feed store since you are going there anyway to get feed.

They generally don't need grit, however, to digest chick crumbles, but if they are eating shavings, it's not a bad idea. The diarrhea is troubling, and the poo eating. I think replacing the food is an excellent idea, but I wonder why they wouldn't eat the rice and egg, since that obviously was fresh.

I wish I knew. Are they drinking water?

Yes they are drinking water, they ate the egg over night, but didn't touch the rice! I am going to change bedding to sand and their feed to grower, see if they are more interested in it! slowly change it though, mix it half grower and half starter so as not to upset their little systems any more!​
Maybe give them some plain yogurt as well to help replenish the good bacteria that they may be losing with the diarrhea.. I'm just thinking of treating symptoms. That is not ideal, however. If it is the result of disease, and not bad food, I hope someone recognizes the symptoms.
Yay Chicks! :

Maybe give them some plain yogurt as well to help replenish the good bacteria that they may be losing with the diarrhea.. I'm just thinking of treating symptoms. That is not ideal, however. If it is the result of disease, and not bad food, I hope someone recognizes the symptoms.

I think the 'symptoms' are too vague for anyone to recognize as anything specific. Their only real symptom is they don't have an appetite because (obviously) they're sick. Do you have a vet in your town? It doesn't necessarily need to be an avian vet, just a vet willing to possibly see one, check a fecal, get a temperature, check for parasites,etc.
Chick starter does not contain grit, did someone tell you that?
Medicated starter contains a small amount of Corid which is to prevent some strains of coccidia (not all), the small amounts don't *treat it, they *prevent some strains.
Terramycin treats eye infections. Did you mean tetracycline? That doesn't treat coccidia either. Sulmet and Corid treat coccidia.
Just trying to stop misinformation from being passed around.

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