Chicks Dying of 1 by 1!

O.k so I changed their feed to a new bag, changed their bedding to sand, have been treating them for coccidiosis, the third day now. And they still won't eat, they would rather eat the little bit of sand bedding and their poop.
Any other suggestions?
I am going to clean the brooder again and give them no bedding right now so to try to get them to eat their food instead of their poo and the sand! I have alot of people say that their is an improvement in the chicks within two days of treatment! this is not the case for my chicks they are alive, talking but still thin, not eating their feed, still have diarrhea, still with the white around their poo holes and not the active chicks they were! I am using Sulmet and have been following the directions. Its day 3 of the recommended 6 and not seeing any improvement!
How much are you giving them? I believe the dosing is 1 tablespoon per gallon of water?

They get it from the dirt so there is no way to prevent it unless you use meds or medicated feed.

You can take a syringe and slowly dribble it on the sides of their beaks to encourage them to ingest more medicine. Just be careful to go very slowly so they don't aspirate it.

Sulmet only treats like 3 of the strains of Cocci, and is hard on their livers... where Corid treats like 9 strains and is safer.

I would get my hands on Corid if you can, it works better. But use the Sulmet until you can get it, then switch.

Also up the dosage a little bit. I've done it the first day or so and never any ill effects. Sometimes if it's really bad I will also switch to medicated feed AND meds for a short time.

I've battled it a lot in my baby pen. Now I just use a low dose of Corid in their water (after the brooder) until they are about 4 months old. I haven't lost any since I started doing this.

Hope this helps!
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I found a pint on Amazon for about $14 bucks... look online.
The chicks have been treated for coccidiosis, have new bedding and a new bag of food. Their is no progress and I am still losing then 1 by 1! I don't know what to do! I hate not being able to help! I am down to 3 out of the original 8! So far i have lost my White cochin, 2 Partridge rock, and 2 Australorp. I only have the Salmon Faverolle who was supposed to be a light brahma and 1 production red(Supposed to be a Rhode Island) and a True Rhode island!
Did I catch it to late or is it something else?
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Did you have these chicks vaccinated for anything when you ordered them? I ask because when I ordered chicks from a hatchery in the past over half my order died, dropping like flies for several weeks.

Maybe try contacting my pet chicken to see if they have had any other reports of other folks chicks dying? Are there any other symptoms? Funny smells, runny noses, icky eyes? gasping?
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You might want to try one more thing, take a rolling pin and crush the feed smaller. I have found with most of my chicks, the crumbles are too big and they look like they're eating, but they are not.

Or offer a wet mash made from the feed.

At 8 weeks old they are prime age for Marek's, which they can catch from any of your own chickens who may be carriers. Carrier adults would not have symptoms, and chicks can be cross contaminated by hands and clothing. Do these chicks have any symptoms at all-like wasting, aiming at crumbles and not picking any up, or be no symptoms at all. You may want to think about an necropsy to know what it is for sure. And I have to say that most 8 week olds do present with paralysis, but not all of them-it depends on what system in their body is attacked first. This is just a thought-not a diagnosis, just a thought.
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