Chicks just hatched--need feeding advice!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Happy Valley, OR
Our hen just hatched her chicks and we realized we are not prepared! We hadn't bought chick feed yet, and it's the 4th of July so the feed stores are closed! I imagine they will want to eat today?? Should we crumble some layer feed for them for now? Where should we put the food/water so they can get to it? Also, are they going to be okay being in the coop with the other two hens? One of the other hens suddenly when broody and wants to sit on them, too!
Don't feed chicks layer feed. 4% calcium is dangerous. They don't need to eat for a couple days so if your feed store is open tomorrow you're good. You might be best off separating them from the others so they can be fed separately. In a pinch you can give them crumbled hard boiled egg and oatmeal.
Pen off part of the coop. The broody and chicks don't need a lot of space but they need enough so she can show them what to eat and drink.

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