Chipmunk Proofing Duck Food?


6 Years
Nov 8, 2013
Hello All-

Now that Spring has Sprung, our three drakes have been moved to a big 10'x25' outdoor pen. Whereas we've predator-proofed it as much as we can with hardware cloth and stone pavers around the perimeter bottom and sides, there's no stopping the chipmunks. If there's a crack to squeeze through, they will, and they have.

Which means unfortunately, they have discovered the food dishes, and they are cleaning them out. Stuffing their little cheeks, and running off to bury it in the ground some place. (They will be very sad when it all turns to mush the next good rain...)

Anyone have suggestions on how to discourage the chipmunks, without discouraging the ducks? We're hard pressed to think of something that is chipmunk-proof that isn't also duck-proof.

Relocating the chipmunks is not likely an option. We have *a lot* of chipmunks on our grounds. And we're normally OK with them cleaning up bird seed from the ground, they are on the way to starving our poor little ducks.
Hello All-

Now that Spring has Sprung, our three drakes have been moved to a big 10'x25' outdoor pen. Whereas we've predator-proofed it as much as we can with hardware cloth and stone pavers around the perimeter bottom and sides, there's no stopping the chipmunks. If there's a crack to squeeze through, they will, and they have.

Which means unfortunately, they have discovered the food dishes, and they are cleaning them out. Stuffing their little cheeks, and running off to bury it in the ground some place. (They will be very sad when it all turns to mush the next good rain...)

Anyone have suggestions on how to discourage the chipmunks, without discouraging the ducks? We're hard pressed to think of something that is chipmunk-proof that isn't also duck-proof.

Relocating the chipmunks is not likely an option. We have *a lot* of chipmunks on our grounds. And we're normally OK with them cleaning up bird seed from the ground, they are on the way to starving our poor little ducks.
I'll be watching this closely I am having the same problem. other than one of those grandpa feeders that the ducks walk up on and it opens and closes after they leave I haven't a clue.
Oh, mercy. Our Cat Ion handles that for us.
seems we need us some cats. although if I could let my dachshunds loose in the flocks property they would take care of the chipmunks but they will also eat the food.
Got any recommendations for a grandpa feeder? I've not seen any on Amazon, for example, that look suitable.

I've thought about maybe wire mesh over the feeder, with holes big enough for duck beaks, but too small for chipmunk heads. That size may not exist in reality :)

As for cats, a) we're allergic, b) we actually like chipmunks, when they're not eating our duck's food. (See our website: for how we treat our chipmunks.)
Here is a plan for Automatic Wood Chicken Feeder. Its made so the weight of the bird opens it. I remember thinking it looked like a neat idea but haven't actually tried it.

Another option is feeding wet foot. I personally feed fermented and I know I have had much less carried off as a result. Any critters that want it have to eat it as mush not something packable and store-able. I had some ground squirrels before I switched to fermented food and they liked to haul off the pellets. They couldn't carry the mash off so they left and I haven't had issues with them since.
Here is a plan for Automatic Wood Chicken Feeder. Its made so the weight of the bird opens it. I remember thinking it looked like a neat idea but haven't actually tried it.

Another option is feeding wet foot. I personally feed fermented and I know I have had much less carried off as a result. Any critters that want it have to eat it as mush not something packable and store-able. I had some ground squirrels before I switched to fermented food and they liked to haul off the pellets. They couldn't carry the mash off so they left and I haven't had issues with them since.
I feed FF and still have chipmunks coming to my feeder, these guys don't care. I really like chipmunks but they eat way to much for being so tiny.

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