City folks - killed our first raccoon


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
We've had a raccoon living in our backyard tree for about a month now. A very big raccoon. He's not the first one, but he has stayed the longest. This tree is in the center of my backyard, only 20 ft. from my backdoor and about 10 ft. from my chicken coop. I caught him one time at my back door when I absent-mindedly let my lab outside to potty at 11 pm - frighteningly they were the same size. I cursed myself for not turning the light on first - thank God it bolted away and my ding dong dog ran the other direction. I've gone outside and yelled at him, thrown rocks, tried spraying it with the hose and warned it to move on, but to no avail. Of course, my kids had to name him. He sat in the tree every night from 7-9 pm (often during our dinner hour), bathing and watching my chickens as I put them away. My coop and run are strong. Surprisingly, I have seen zero signs of attempted entry. I have been willing to co-exist for now, saying that until he screws up, he can stay.

Well, I spent a couple days on this forum, and made the decision that Rocky must go. I sensed that he was feeling right at home by now. He knew exactly where the chickens were and what my schedule was. Would his first infraction include the decimation of my small flock? Or damage to my coop, I suppose for that matter?

Even tho we are in the city, my DH went out with his gun and waited for him to begin his decent from our large tree. It only took 2 shots. My kids, who were ordered to stay in their room, sat and cried.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this - I guess that I feel a little bad about killing him when he didn't do anything wrong. I don't feel that we did the *wrong* thing, just sort of guilty. Writing about it makes me feel a little better. Thanks guys.
I would have been more concerned with the raccoon getting cornered in your yard with the children playing. Cute and cuddly from a distance but they turn quickly into a dangerous predator when threatened.
And they are well known for having rabies...

Rocky would have been taking a lead nap long ago if he was around here.
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I, too, live in the city and I would not have a raccoon eating my girls nor attempt to. They best be moving on or they will have a taste of the bullet.
No, it's not legal to shoot a gun in the city. But I called animal control and they referred me to a "wildlife management" company that charges $400 to come and trap. We just can't afford that. So this was our only option. My DH was careful, waited for Rocky to start coming down the tree so that he was an easy shot and if he missed, it would hit the tree. It took 1 shot to drop him and another shot to make sure he was dead and not suffering.
Don't feel bad you made a hard decision... If its between the safety of my animals or god forbid my children and a wild animal I vote my kids / my animals... You made the right choice, he would have eventually realized your chickens were an easy meal... Better to beat him to the punch...

Just as a warning ... These threads tend to get heated so prepare yourself for a nasty on slaught of " Why did you kill that innocent animal " or " He wasnt hurting anyone" He is a wild animal and if/when he got hungry or found a weak spot in your coop /run chances are he would have harmed your chickens...
you were taking a huge chance by allowing the coon to stay as long as you did,coons are cold blooded vicious killers,they can find a way into a coop ,don,t feel bad about protecting your flock,and your children as raccoons can and do carry rabies,you made the right decision,and followed through ,,
Yes the wildlife animal control charges high $$$$$$$$ just to trap the raccoon.

Raccoons are very productive animals, they breed like mice in a way!

Be careful of how you handle firegun in the city. If you want to mimic, you can set off a few fireworks in between shots LOL! After all the 4th of July will be coming!
Not only are coons a danger to your chickens they are a danger to your family and pets. Coons carry racoon round worm that can kill people and pets. They also carry distemper and in some states they are rabies threats. No matter how much we care for animals we must keep our families and pets safe!

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