City of Massillon Ohio chicken laws

Had an interview yesterday with the Massillon Independent newspaper! Excited to see it when it comes out. Let's hope this is just one step closer to getting the chickies legal! Operation save the chickens is in full swing!
Waiting to hear.
I live in Massillon and have three chickens of my own. Please let me know what I can do to help. Will there be another council meeting?
Haven't heard anything new yet... City hasn't contacted me... Code enforcement hasn't contacted... But I have had more support than I have ever thought possible! I had a sweet lady leave a note on my door telling me not to give up and if I needed anything to call her! I called her up just to thank her and offer her eggs and she now brings me fresh zucchini bread, cookies and even secretly dropped off chicken feed to me the other day! I am in such awe that people are being so awesome towards me!! I also had someone actually mail me a card telling me how great it is that I'm standing up to the city and she offered to house my chickies until I win my battle. A complete stranger offering this much helps just makes me so thankful!! The newspaper article was also shared on Facebook and there were over 25 comments of support in my favor! I am seriously beyond blessed!!!! This made me realize that there are still good people in the world! Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive through my battle!!! I can't wait to win this for all the chicken lovers out there!!!

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