Close neighbors, any way to quiet egg song?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 26, 2009
The ladies aren't even laying yet, but today one gal's egg song woke the neighborhood. Anything we can do to quiet it down? Or, are there any coops/sheds we could purchase that would dull the noise?

I built my coop with both interior and exterior walls, and insullation in the space between. We don't hear much noise from the coop, even when the girls have their boombox blasting.

Might help for you, if yours lay in the mornings and lay inside.
when i hear them start up, sometimes i get some grapes or somthing to throw out to them, gets their mind going in another direction pretty quickly. dont use it too often or they will squawk just to get food and that can be annoying, best of luck
That's it, I'm canceling mine's internet access, and taking away their credit cards
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That's great! What does it look like? Do you think putting their current coop inside a larger storage shed would help?

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