Cluckawalla Valley has moved! TAKE THE QUIZ, PG 23!

Yes! well I should say I've been hatching and mostly keeping everything...but at the party there was some interest in a few breeds so I took orders and got the best eggs from the best breeders

I've have to take another picture of the top woodwork when I get it into place. Do you know of anyone else that needs one, they have another one for sale
Careful what you wish for!

I have been sad since Bonnie was killed by a predator and I re-homed Clyde for his own safety. How I missed my geese. I hoped so much for a wild goose to join us.

Forty? Who said forty? I said one. I never said forty!

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Me too. Imagine what we could do without the anchors! I'd probably end up on the season finale of "Hoarders......Poultry Edition"
Well I just broached the breeding subject this am, and he was actually fine with it, but moving the new brooder into the garage started him asking questions, and then well let's just say he was shaking his head as he left the room

He liked the idea of me getting rid of some the girls though to make room for the new ones, instead of just adding new ones!

THE POND IS AWESOME - ok I'm moving in
Mary...........I hear Canadian geese come back to the same place every year to mate. Your 40 could multiply quick!

Yeah, I'd be on Hoarders: Poultry Edition too. And maybe duck edition or turkey edition also.

Cheryl.........Mary has a really nice apartment overlooking the coop. The 2 of you and all the chickens would be funny!
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Cheryl, would you introduce me to your friend with the brooder, because *I* am definitely interested in it. (God help me.)

I've just printed off the CL page..... it's always better to have references, y'know? *dimpling*

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