Cochin Thread!!!

I likewise think it looks like a boy!
Typically, you can tell by their feathering the primaries, secondaries, and tail. If they look like sickles(male tail feathers) (s)he is a Cockerel. If they are rounded at the end especially for the tail and not drooping (s)he is a Pullet, but I do agree looks more like a Cockerel. I have a black Cochin Hen and she has a much smaller comb like the hen in the picture below.

Cock: Hen:
Here is my girl Lacey! She's a doll.

She's officially a year old today! I'm hoping she goes broody soon, because I would love to have some babies in the yard!

(Don't mind Roscoe, my EE roo, photobombing in the background! :lol:
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There is a gentleman near me that sells Silver Laced Cochin hatching eggs on ebay. He's in Astor FL. Very nice birds. I think he sells chicks as well. I forget the name of his place. He's on ebay though. I was going to buy some from him for a SL project I have in mind but sadly I have no more room for projects. lol

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