Cockerel Help


6 Years
Apr 10, 2018
Hi all, this is my last thread in here for today [I promise]. I've cared for my sister's flock before, but that was after all her birds were identified as hens, so I'm lacking experience in sexing my own. They were supposed to all be pullets at the feed store with 90% accuracy. They're between 9 and 12 weeks old.

If y'all could briefly explain why you think it's a pullet/cockerel that'd be great too so I can learn how to do it myself :)

#1 So here's the first one, in the foreground. The one that looks like it's about to breathe fire and attack...

#2 Whether male/female, this one is much nicer

#3 Another RIR. I believe this one is a pullet, but I'm not 100% sure


#5 These two? Poor things were hot. It's that North Kakalaki heat

Same two as above

Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me!
So far, I'm thinking all are pullets, as long as they're not at the lower end of the age spectrum. :)
Reasons for my opinion: comb and wattles don't seem overly developed beyond what's expected; they're all in line with each other as far as growth; the Rocks sport typical, dark female barring; and (this would only apply if they're at least 12 weeks of age), I'm not seeing any male-specific plumage.

9-12 weeks is a big range to try to judge from. Chicks grow and change a lot daily. Your #1 fire breather has quite a comb and wattle but age is up in the air so I dunno. I'm also not familiar with the breeds you posted but there is a twin behind it much less developed. If same age I'd think cockerel for #1

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