cockerel or pullet


8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
new hampshire
Idk if this is the right place to post this, but I picked up a too to add to my hens for free on craigslist. The problem is is the lady didn't know for sure if it was a rule. So if I get a too fine if not then I get a pullet almost ready to lay. Its 15 was old and is what I was told was a white rock but I believe its actually a white leghorn. Its tall and skittish and has long legs and is fairly slender and was 2x bigger than the rest of her hens it looks like a too but acts like a hen has no spurs and doesn't crow, she said it never has. If this isn't a too I want to get a real too, my problem is isn't white leghorns quick developers? If so wouldn't it make sense that this is a hen and that's why it was 2x bigger than the rest of the ladies hens?
you can post a pic under "breed or gender", pics really held us figure it out cause each chicken is very individual!
go to the very topo of the page , the part that says 'index User list Rules Search My Page Profile' and all that other stuff. click on the one that says uploads. Go down the the box that says File abowe it, and click Browse next to it. choose the file and click submit. then copy the URL and paste it on the page! NOTE: you dont have to click the image thing like this:
Idk if I can do it. I don't have a computer I use my android phone. Could someone post pics of a male and female white leghorn for me to compare? And when should they start to get spurs as this bird has non to speak of

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