Color genetics thread.

Just to be clear, 'Bantam' is not a breed. It's a size classification. There are many, many different bantam breeds.

LOL! I don't know what else to call them. They were kind of just dropped off at my house. These were the only ones who survived being free ranged and she just wanted to hatch eggs. So I took them and her 11 eggs (some laid from The black hen before she was eaten) in.
LOL! I don't know what else to call them. They were kind of just dropped off at my house. These were the only ones who survived being free ranged and she just wanted to hatch eggs. So I took them and her 11 eggs (some laid from The black hen before she was eaten) in.
The hen looks like an Old English Game bantam, and the rooster could be a Gold Laced Sebright mix.
I thought Old English Game but they both have the rose comb. I thought maybe since they were with black rose combed Banties that they were a mix of this 2 breeds. But if she's wheaten then can she have the black rose mixed in there?

Here are three of the chicks I kept.



Hello again everyone! I'm planning to get my first chickens by March, and they'll be quail and partridge colours. I was wondering if I could cross a Partridge coloured rooster with a Quail coloured hen and get sex links. I was thinking the females would have some incomplete version of Quail and the males just Quail. Would this work?

I posted this in a sex-linked thread sometime ago. Now that I know this pair won't produce any sex-links, I'm curious, what colour would the chicks be?
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I posted this in a sex-linked thread sometime ago. Now that I know this pair won't produce any sex-links, I'm curious, what colour would the chicks be?
The Quail phenotype can be produced on different genotypes. My best guess is a darker quail-like phenotype ( less restricted) with false spangling on the breast. It all depends on what autosomal gene is restricting the black on the quail and the number and kind of black intensifiers the bird carries.

By partridge, do you mean concentric penciling? As in partridge plymouth rock.
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